EON Workshop Starting in May 2011
Many of you have asked whether I do conduct workshops. Here’s the good news… I have scheduled my first workshop to start in May 2011. Register now to attend my first EON workshop.
For a start, I’d be conducting “Module 1” which covers the fundamentals and application use, including the followings:
– Elements of Numbers (EON) methods
– Plotting of Birth Charts & Personal Year Charts
– The Five Elements
– Profiling on character, health, relationships
I’m using my first book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” as the course material in Module 1. If you have not yet bought my book in Singapore, you can get it now as stocks are available at Popular, Kinokuniya, Times and Wan Li book stores. I’m structuring Module 1 to be a power-packed initiation workshop. Interactive visuals would be used to explain key concepts and analogies. This would help you relate (the numbers and elements) and remember key fundamentals (including traits and characteristics) easily and fast.
If you have attended Dr Oliver Tan’s Power of Numbers (PON) courses organised by Numbers Academy Singapore or similar courses conducted by other trainers before, I’d advised you to attend Module 1. As I am focusing on my EON methodology, the teachings would be different from PON or similar classes conducted by others. I’d also be elaborating on the Five Elements concept and its applications.
Just like my book, my workshop is designed not to compete but complement with PON. It’s sensible since we (Dr Oliver Tan and I) are focusing on different areas of the numerical vibes in our research to identify traits where we can share with you. My workshop helps you learn EON techniques from another perspective. I believe you have read the articles posted here. You can identify concepts and analogies mentioned in my articles that you have not learned in the PON courses. Register now if you want to extend your PON knowledge with additional EON analytical methods.
If you have not attended any PON course, or new to EON, don’t worry. You’d be able to profile a person’s personality after completing Module 1.
If you are living in overseas (perhaps neighbouring countries like Indonesia or Malaysia), this is the best time to come down to Singapore and learn something new. Start learning the Elements of Numbers techniques now. Know your potentials quickly and live the life you always wanted.
Many of you have learned useful techniques from the articles I have posted, even if you haven’t bought my book. I’m doing research on my own EON theories by publishing my book to share my discoveries with you. By conducting the workshops and article postings, EON students can have a continual learning experience. Register now if you want to pick up a life-long personality profiling skill.
The success of my first workshop depends on you. I look forward to your active participation and continual support.
Course: Elements of Numbers (Module 1)
Dates (Tentative):
27 May 2011 13 May 2011 (Friday evening) 7:00pm – 10:00pm
28 May 2011 14 May 2011 (Saturday): 9:30am – 5:30pm
Course Fee: S$169
Venue: To be advised later.
The first workshop session can only start once I have minimum 20 confirmed participants. Register now!
It’s your call now. Send me an email (SunTzu2796@gmail.com) to reserve your seats now to avoid disappointment.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun