Reflections of Insecurity

Chandran sent me an email asking if I could analyse a birthdate from another angle using the Elements of Numbers (EON) method. Chandran learned the Power of Numbers (PON) method from Dr Oliver Tan, and wants to know how he can use the EON method to look beyond the usual analytical approach.

Chandran identified two areas he’d like to know more. I told him my replies would be through case study article on this site as I’d like to share non-sensitive information with everyone here. However, as I began writing the observations in this article, my intuitive mind gets into the way, and I couldn’t stop it except to let the analytical mind flows out. So enjoy reading (and digesting) while you can!  

Oh, what I’m about to say is by noting the tendency signs present in the charts. The traits, characteristics, and observations mentioned in the later part of this article does not, in any way, imply the person would have all traits mentioned, or would experience the symptoms or health conditions stated. The influence of the energies and its effects (positive and negative vibes) on a person depends on many factors, including family upbringing, social lifestyle, environment, habits, thoughts, and actions. When a person changes their habits, thoughts, and actions positively, they’re in better control of their own destiny. Often, they can manage the negative effects well.

As Chandran knows PON, I’ll put aside the usual personality traits and focus more on using the extended EON methods.

When I first looked at the “mirrored” chart, the split personality traits came to mind. But when I looked beyond the numbers in the woman’s chart (let’s call her Valerie), it shows tendency signs of insecurity or the fear of being paranoid to certain extent.  She must learn to control her emotions, worries, and temperaments as these could lead to possible emotional and mental depression, or bipolar disorder at extreme cases.

The tendency signs of frequent planning to make more money, build a home, or have a family may be stressing her out. She could be putting a brave front, but the inner health is showing strong signs of emotional and mental stress. If she can control the stress, no one would notice them. But if she cannot control her emotions well, others could see her temperamental moods swinging at extreme ends regularly.

She must learn to be a good team-leader – someone who listens and accepts other’s opinions and suggestions, work cohesively with others, and be a good people-manager if she wants to strengthen her career ladder. She must put aside the self-egoistic mentally, and work as a team player. And she must overcome the worrisome paranoid and feelings of insecurity!

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The career or role change may not be smooth and could come at a price especially if her previous working habits were not positive. She may not get what she wants, and the material benefits may be below her expectations.

On the other hand, if she’s into shares and investment, there could be possible winnings, and possible tangible lost, just like the roller coaster ride. If there is no loss now, she may consider selling the shares to reduce her losses.

Valerie has to take care of her health, and avoid taking too much sugary food and sweet desserts. The tendency signs show subtle symptoms of diabetes or kidney-related problems if she continues to take sweet and deep-fried food often.

Like the lonely tree competing with many trees in a forest fighting for sunlight, the competitive and aspiring nature in her could tire her out easily.

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There are tendency signs that she’s good at her studies when young, and often, her instinct or intuitive feelings could have helped in her studies. If her school results were bad, it could be due to mental obstacles that prevented her from her studies when young. And yes, her spiritual senses are present too.

It is possible to identify the extra tendency traits and health conditions from the elements present in her Birth chart and Personal Year charts. I have also shared the techniques to identify many of the traits at my previous two EON Workshop sessions. If you are new to EON, you can read up the many articles posted here. There’s plenty of useful information that could help improve your analytical skills. Do get a copy of my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” to gather more insights on the EON fundamentals.

If you have similar birthdate or birth chart, it doesn’t mean you will experience everything that I’ve mentioned. If you have not experienced any major health conditions as mentioned, that’s great but do be careful and continue to stay positive and healthy. Otherwise, the conditions may come when you least expected it, if you continue to live a life full of frustrations, worries, unhealthy lifestyle, and mental stress.

Having said that, it’s always easier and cheaper to take precautions now than suffer and regret later. When you have the ability and capacity to make the change for a better, happier, and healthier life, do it today for your own health’s sake. Change your perspective, thoughts and actions to enjoy the life you always wanted to have without costly sacrifices.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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