Taking Charge Towards Financial Freedom

“I have a bad temper and trying to tone down… Understand that I have a 7-5-3 in my chart… that would mean I’m financial drain, right? May I know when would my situation improve then?”

That’s what Fion wrote in her recent email to me.

People who faced financial problems often look for ways to improve their financial status and get rid of the burden that has been draining up their financial savings. Some people took to gambling, cheating, corruptions, and receiving kickbacks to improve their wealth luck. Others resorted to using FengShui to help energise the positive Qi energies and manifest the wealth sector at home. Then there are people who decisively take charge of their own financial problems as they knew no one can help them improve their financial status except themselves.

Fion bought my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” to know more about her personalities and traits. She asked, “Is there any chance I can be a boss of my own as the income from my full-time job is insufficient…

No doubt we can easily be our own boss any time if we want to. It’s easy and affordable in many countries to register a business. The harder part is – we need to understand the company’s mission and purpose of setting up a business. How do we want our business to be? If the purpose is to generate profit, then we can ask questions like “can we build up a successful business within a mentioned period?”

Fion admitted she has a bad temper. We can easily identify the 3-5-8 (and 5-3-8) patterns in her chart. These are tendency signs that could lead to temperamental moods and at extreme end, bipolar disorder. This year, she’s facing the “Double Effects” vibes and it could manifest the energies further. She has to take care of her health while she aimed for her financial freedom. If she did it right, she could enjoy the “Double Blessing” vibes. Otherwise, the “Double Whammy” vibes may take a heavy toll on her health and drained her financial resources. She has to keep a positive outlook and learn to be frugal in her spending.

The 1-5-8 [Alone-Stubborn-Stress] implies a person who’s often stressing themselves out because of mental block. Fion needs to learn to let go of the unnecessary worries and get rid of the destructive emotions in her mind. She needs to calm her thoughts, de-stress, identify her needs and wants, and focus on her priorities.

With a more composed and rational mind, she could then work on her dreams since the 4-2-6 patterns [Plan-Talk-Money] implies she is often taking about her plans to improve her financial status. She mentioned, “…to tell you the truth, I hardly have any balance left (most of the time overdraft) after my financial commitments for my family…”

Many people aspire to setup their own business after reading success stories on the Internet and in mainstream media like local newspaper and TV. It is easier to chase our dreams to setup a business when we are wealthy or have financial backers and investors to support us. That’s just a head start as business is competitive. A person has to stay alert, focus, and persistently have a competitive edge (without money distractions) if they want to “Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive” by their competitions. Incidentally, that’s the title of the book by Harvey MacKay and I’ve gathered useful insights after reading it in the early 90s.

There are signs of financial improvement next year for Fion. And she needs to work on it NOW to gain the wealth. If she wants to reduce or even resolve the “overdraft” issues, she must learn to store the wealth through positive thoughts and actions now. A person may make out an “issue” as a “problem” when they have negative distracting thoughts and destructive emotions. They could realised the “problem” to be a “situational issue” once they’re calm, focused, and in control of their emotions and thoughts. They could easily resolved issues through smart planning and workarounds.

Having a 7-5-3 pattern in one Birth chart does not imply you will ended up financially drained, or at extreme end, become a bankrupt eventually in your life. That’s a naïve analysis. The 7-5-3 (or 5-7-3) suggested signs of carelessness that’s often related to law and money. As long as Fion is cautious – read the fine prints of any legal contracts carefully and understand what it means – she need not aimed at the bankruptcy status. She needs to learn to sayNO” to external parties who may sought her to be their guarantor as it may further drained her finances. As explained in my earlier articles on 7-5-3 (and 5-7-3) vibes, she has the choice to decide her own financial status. She must also learned to “relax” on her perfectionist mindset.

Fion can always look for passive income first by identifying potential customers’ needs without affecting her day job. She must also strengthen her resources and knowledge on the business she wants to do. If necessary, she can start attending courses to build up the knowledge if time and budget allows. Maybe she can focus on online business since it’s one of the easiest and cheapest ways to start attracting customers, gaining their trust, and getting them to spread the good feelings around with others.

We should always consciously take care of our health while we pursue our dreams. Similarly, Fion needs to cut down on sugary stuff even if she does not have signs of high level of sugar in her blood currently. She needs to reduce taking too much cold food, liquor (if she’s a binge drinker), smoking (if she’s currently a smoker) and soft drinks as these could lead to health conditions that affect her financial budget even more. The vibes from the Fire and Metal elements may affect her health and she must start taking care of her health. I’ve provided health signs related to the Five Elements in my book. You may want to read my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” again for the details.

Fion needs to take action now. She must stop pondering on her plans without acting on it. Perhaps she can start acting on the followings:

  • changing her destructive thoughts into positive ones;
  • improving her communication and attitudes;
  • work on her anger and stress management;
  • improves her emotional intelligence;
  • identify and prioritise her spending behaviours; and
  • take actions to lessen her current financial issues.

Fion is a smart and resourceful person. Once she can act on the above persistently and take care of her health, she could gradually manifest the positive energies to help transform her visions of owning a successful business into a reality. And the ability to work towards financial freedom!

Regards, Ron WZ Sun




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