Same Same But Different
“Same Same But Different.” That’s the phrase printed on some T-shirts my daughter brought back from Vietnam last year. Different people may interpret this phrase differently and the observation made could be surprisingly different.
Gwen wrote in her recent email to me about her three friends, “When I draw out their birth chart for all three, I found they are the same.” Gwen then wondered, “My first friend had a lousy year. She fell sick for the last few months (on and off) and she also had a heart bypass done recently at this young age. Will the other two friends face similar problem? Please advise what else must she/he be aware of.”
Although three of Gwen’s friends have similar chart numbers, they may have different experiences which could affect their health differently. Often, they could be “same same but different” in facing challenges and experiences. Let me explain further from an Elements of Numbers (EON) perspective.
On Page 239 of my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling,” I introduced my formula to plot the Time of Birth chart which allows you to analyse a chart beyond the Birth date. I’ve explained the differences between twins and used the birth charts of Maurice and Robin Gibb as case studies. Their characteristics and traits are different mainly because of environmental factors, social influence, life purposes, and habits. Get a copy of my book if you have not already done so, and learn how you can identify more “hidden traits” based on the Time of Birth chart that I’ve created for EON profiling. If you’ve learned similar method to plot the Time of Birth chart from other mentors, chances are, they could have understood its usefulness from my book *)
Gwen can plot the Time of Birth charts for her three friends to identify more traits. She could also plot the Combined Chart if need be. On the surface their Birth charts may look similar. But when we factored in the Time of Birth and Combined Charts, they could have different sets of numbers, with different vibes and influences.
Besides using the Time of Birth chart method to identify more traits, we can also look at the Birth Year and Birth Month. These Periodic and Seasonal energies and vibes do influence a person and could make a difference to their perspective and health conditions. I have briefly explained the purpose of the Seasonal Influence at the recent 6th EON WORKSHOP and how it could vary the elemental vibes during specific periods.
By now you’d have noticed the numbers in locations I-J-K-L of the second chart is not similar to the first and third one. Gwen could have provided a wrong birthdate for the 2nd chart, or she could have plotted wrongly.
Normally, you should be able to identify the tendency signs and noted the difference using the methods I’ve suggested earlier. At times you may face “profiler’s block” with one profiling system where you couldn’t identify any more clues. Tapping your knowledge on complementary profiling system could help you look at the “cause and effect” of the issues from a different perspective.
There is one method (let’s call it the NSQ method) that I’ve used to combine with EON for profiling some years back. I’ve put aside the NSQ method after publishing my book as I wanted to focus my research on improving EON and share the discoveries with you.
It’s timely to combine EON and NSQ for profiling in today’s case study, and share the extra tendency signs with you. I’ve received emails from many of you with positive, encouraging, motivating, inspiring, and supporting words on the Elements of Numbers (EON) method, my book, and the EON Workshop experiences. In return, I’ve decided to share briefly the EON+NSQ observations with you as a gesture of goodwill, gratitude, and thanks to those who’ve supported me in one way or another.
The use of including NSQ into the EON method comes handy without the person’s birth time or when you need to identify for signs for different people with similar birth charts. Oh, check the disclaimer at the bottom of this page link to find out why it doesn’t imply the person would display all traits (positive and negative) and could suffer similar health conditions mentioned.
Friend-A is good at setting up plans and projects but may lack the conviction to complete them. The tendency signs suggest traits of a person who are often suspicious, sceptical and cynical over trivial issues, and often sensitive and over reacting. The lack of emotional control and unnecessary worries may worsen their health conditions in areas related to the respiratory, immune, and mental areas. With strong Fire and possibly excessively strong Metal vibes, the undue stress, tension, and temperament could have caused problems to her heart. In Five Elements, strong Metal (mental, immune) could affect the Fire (heart).
Friend-C is a good communicator and a stressful person. There are tendency signs suggesting a better emotion-controlled person with more compassion, understanding, and intuition than Friend-A. The strong determination vibes provide signs of tenacity, fortitude and persistency. With emotion and anger in control, Friend-C can take care of her health better than Friend-A. When a person can take extra effort in health care management, their health condition are more in control.
Both Friend-A and Friend-C has to take care of their health, and lower their “perfectionist” pursuit. They also need to improve their communication skill with others as they are signs of relationship strains next year in 2013, probably related to financial or career matters.
Happy digesting!
Regards, Ron WZ Sun