Mental Chaos
In today’s article, I’ll focus on the birthdate provided by one participant who attended my recent preview. As there was no question written on the slip of paper provided, other than the birthdate, I will do a general analysis on various life aspects instead. I’m sharing my observations through the Elements of Numbers (EON) and NSQ Profiling methods.
I’d recommend you to buy my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling“ if you’re new to the EON method. If you’re staying in Singapore, you can buy the book at major local bookstores including Kinokuniya, Times, and selected Popular outlets. You can read up my book to build your personality profiling knowledge. You can check this link for online purchase if you are staying elsewhere.
Let’s look at extra traits present in the chart. Although there was no gender or name suggested, I’ll call him “Joe” for now. What you are about to read does not imply Joe will inhibit all traits and behaviours mentioned as eventually a person’s character is formulated from family upbringing, moral values, and social ethics.
The first thing that comes to mind is Joe has strong Metal elements present in his chart. The tendency traits for people with strong Metal elements include mental worries, logic- and rule-based intellect, proud, show off, and psychopathic personality. When the influencing energies increased, the person might display the fiery tendencies like sudden outburst, bipolar tendencies, hurtful actions (and regretted later), provocative, and relentless pursuits. At its worst state, this person may inhibit tendency traits like fantasising dreamlike visions, wavy thoughts, procrastination, and sensual pursuits. On health matters, the tendency signs include suffering from immune, mental, skin, breathless, asthma, dry eyes, hyperventilate, and eczema. From his various charts (like birth and periodic charts), there are diabetic and OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) tendencies. As Joe is still young, these health symptoms might not be present for now but he should start cutting down on his sugary intake now to avoid unhealthy conditions in later years.
There are signs suggesting Joe is more of a study-smart dominant person. His street-smart vibes are also present which is why he could tapped on his intuitive intellect (sixth-sense, intuitions, spiritual senses) to gather the fact-finding information needed. This helps him to build up his knowledge and skillsets to challenge others if needed.
Wealth prospects to Joe can be challenging and frustrating, even though there are great temptations toward wealth creations and financial growth. There might be frequent stumbling blocks and distracting thoughts that steered him away from the confidence level, often at the last-mile timeline.
The unnecessary worries and fears could intensify at times, and it could affect Joe’s relationship with other people. Last year, there might be relationship strains. The triggering spark might be started subtlety by someone else. But his deep involvement and pride got him entrapped in quarrelsome arguments with others. From another viewpoint, there might be financial strains instead – loss of money because of miscalculated risks, carelessness, or overspending.
The hard-headed nature comes even stiffer these days, and the emotional build-up might manifest strongly. And depending on his self-beliefs, behaviours, habits, and mindsets, Joe might be starting to feel emotional even over trivial things. The feelings could be stronger and obvious next year. The hot, steaming, and ‘releasing’ effect (yes, it implies to both sensual and temperamental moods) are manifested. Therefore, it’s important for Joe to manage his emotions and angers. Taking up meditation, relaxation exercises, or healthier diet might come useful to induce less stressing vibes.
There could be prominent office politicking at work. Joe might be facing intense competitions among his peers to gain a better career path. There might be doubts on his knowledge ability to perform well in a possible reassignment or extended job’s roles.
There’s so many other traits that I can identify from Joe’s charts. I’ve not touch base on his life path tendencies yet, including the necessary ‘counterbalance’ actions to harmonise the energies regularly. Each year, the periodic energies are different and has varying influence on Joe. It’s important Joe takes care of the negativities while he work and manifest the positive influences.
I’d encourage Joe to attend my forthcoming FEN courses if he’s sincere and committed to understand himself better. He could learn to identify the influencing vibes and potential tendency signs (both positive and negative ones) that might affect him. He could then use his EON/FEN knowledge to go along the emotional waves while he chase his goals.
I hope you’ve found the articles I have posted to be useful and inspired you to know your inner self and what you have to adjust and adapt for a better times ahead. You must stay committal to accept positive transformation. I can only share basic tips free as profiling research takes time and money. When you signed up for the FEN Level 1 (Basic) class, I’ll share with you the extended techniques in class to know your personality traits beyond the basics. When you signed up for the FEN Level 2 (Advanced) class, I will show you many ways to understand yourself better, take care of your yearly health conditions, and enrich your life-path ahead.
Let’s move on to identifying Joe’s personalities from another perspective – by applying the NSQ principles. There are strong detachment vibes present suggesting a more introvert person who prefers living in his own hermit’s world than socialising. He’s more at ease behind the scene like interacting through social media rather than physical social activities. There are signs he might have frequent dreamy hopes on his success and visions. But there isn’t much actions, involvement, or participation to start the engine and drive forward towards his goals. There is no ‘real need’ to push the complacent tendencies, and there is lacking ‘push and pull’ effect on what Joe wants in his life.
But when you learned to apply the extended NSQ techniques, you can easily transform a plain and boring person to be a charismatic and magnetic person people wants to be with. That’s where you need to understand the periodic energies (just like the Personal Year charts in EON) that might be present. When you know the influencing vibes could harmonise the vibes, you can take control and change your mindset favourably. You can manifest the correct energies, and to achieve your desired results.
Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the FEN/NSQ course now! | |
FEN Level 1 (Basic) – 4/7 and 11/7 (2 Saturdays) | |
FEN Level 2 (Advanced) – 1/8 and 15/8 (2 Saturdays) | |
NSQ Profiling – 24/7 (Friday) | |
This year, Joe might have started working on his plans and found it easier to communicate with others. However, he still has the ‘mental block‘ thinking, the supremo attitude, and the self-assertive feelings. He might lacked the persistent drive to move forward. He needs to take action and not just talking about his plans. He needs to start releasing these limiting beliefs and learn to let go and trust others. With his stronger than usual determination to achieve his goals, he has to start trusting others and working as a team. He has to change the usual “I” attitude and replace with the ‘WE’ cohesive teamwork spirit. He has to transform the one-way talk down communication to a bidirectional discussion with others if he wants better times ahead. There are strong signs of confidence and gut-feelings attachment. However, overconfidence can damage a person’s attitude and reputation when things go wrong. It can create mental disorder and chaos.
Sign up for the NSQ Profiling workshop (1-evening session) and I’ll teach you the extended NSQ techniques beyond the standard nine-square chart profiling principles.
That’s all about Joe’s case study. As written earlier, there’s so many practical and extended techniques you can pick up to improve your own life and/or your profiling skills.
ACT NOW. Register now and be on your way to change your life for better times ahead.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun