Basic EON theories
Larry emailed me recently and wrote, “I have read your book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” and need your advice of the following:
- Q1. The left numbers – should we read it as the Mother or Father sector?
- Q2. The right numbers – should we read it as the Father or Mother sector?
- Q3. On the elements of health if there is no Water and Earth Elements, what does it imply?
- Q4. On health issues, if there are too many Fire elements, what does it imply?”
I was hesitant initially to reply to Larry, since the answers are found in my book. I replied to Larry and suggested him to read my book again just in case he could have missed out the pages, or taking the easiest way out by asking.
The next day, I decided to reply to Larry again. This time, I’ve included references to specific pages that he can read up, to find the answers. I replied (to him) as I was concerned about him feeling “lost” in thoughts and needed guidance, even though there were conflicting theories in my mind.
I decided to expand my explanations to Larry’s questions in this article as I believe some of you might face similar situation – you wanted to know more about yourself, but for whatever personal reasons; you could not commit yourself to attend class. Anyway, in such a case, the fastest and affordable way to learn and understand yourself better, is to get hold of my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling.” Read it a few times – it’s not a fiction novel but a life-changing self-help book that you can read and know more about yourself and others, by doing more case study exercises. And as an extended offer and as described in my book anyway, feel free to email me whenever you have questions about your profiling observations.
Q1 and Q2: The parental sector
The parental sector or quadrant is described on Page 41 of my book. I’m aware some trainers (who conducted other basic methods) might have differing (and occasionally, changing) views on whether the Father or Mother sector should be in the left side or right side of a person’s birth chart. In the applications of the Elements of Numbers (EON) system, and as described in my book, the Father sector is on the left side. And that means the Mother sector would be on the right side. I’ve done many case studies, and have described in articles posted here on this site. I have made many correlations and identified relevant tendency signs when I focused the Father sector on the left side, and the Mother sector, on the right side. Furthermore, students and users who have corresponded with me previously, have also reaffirmed the correct parental sectors as described in my book.
A missing number in a chart is NOT the same as a missing element. In the applications of the Five Elements and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, there’s no such thing as a missing element in a person in relation to our body organs. A missing number in a person’s chart basically implied a probable deficiency (weak Qi, essence or energies) in the associated element related to our body organs. For example, by applying the basic EON theory, we could correlate the numbers 2 and 7 with the Water element, and number 5 with the Earth element. If either number 2 and 7 are missing, we can say that the Water element is weak, AND is not missing. We could then identify the tendency signs which could suggest health symptoms related to the urinary or kidney organs. And when there is no number 5 in certain locations on a person’s chart, we can say that the Earth element is weak. In this case, we could identify health signs like digestive and intestinal symptoms. Therefore, you might want to check on Page 99 for weak Water element, and Page 111 for information on weak Earth element. And if that is not enough, check out Pages 132-134 for extra details on health issues that might happen when a person has certain weak elements. And while you’re reading my book, check out the potential impact or effect that might happen to a person when they have a missing number in their birth chart – that’s on Page 157.
Before I drafted and published my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling,” I couldn’t find any book that illustrated and explained the Five Elements effects when an element is weak or strong, in the way I’d described. I have also noticed many people were confused over the “favourable” and “unfavourable” terminologies used, to indicate whether a person is “strong” or “weak.” In the practice of the the Elements of Numbers (EON) method, we do not have positive (favourable) or negative (unfavourable) energies or elements. Instead, we have both positive AND negative energies (elements) in us at all times since we are constantly influenced by the moving time and space. That’s when a weak element might abruptly become strong; and a strong element might unexpectedly turn weaker. We have the choice to decide how we want to dilute and harmonise the negative issues, and change it into opportunities (positive strengths) for us to optimise. When you understand the Elemental Cycles of the Five Elements, you’d realised that the concept of applying “favourable” and “unfavourable” elements to a person’s strength is not logical and is limiting. Anyway, do check on Page 105 to understand the impact when FIRE is strong, and Page 132 on related body organs. You might as well check Page 133 for health symptoms too.
The above should provide early insights to the understanding of the Five Elements. I know it might be overwhelmed for some of you to visualise how the five elements interact. As a fellow metaphysics associate once told me, the “essence” of my EON/FEN classes is the visualisation technique used to explain the Five Elements – it’s traits, symptoms, and interactions with other elements – by applying the everyday’s life observations.
Meanwhile, get a copy of my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” if you haven’t already done so. Feel free to post me questions on your case studies or observations. If possible, try not to ask questions where the answers can easily be found in my book when you take extra effort to read again.
Have fun profiling…
Regards, Ron WZ Sun