On Donald Trump

No one knows Donald Trump better than the US citizens, since they got passionate by his speeches, and chose him to be their country’s President. Anyway, to the outsiders, it can both be fun and frustrating to watch Donald Trump running the Oval Office as a business like a company’s president than a politician as the country’s president.

When news broke out that Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will meet in Singapore on 12 June 2018, there were mixed responses among the Singapore people. “Why hold the meeting here, and not elsewhere? We don’t need them to attract unnecessary security tensions” are simply one of the remarks made. Furthermore, Donald Trump’s rhetoric and chaotic behaviours and communication skills could agitate and frustrated others with his on-off-on indecisive statements. Most people would assume Donald Trump might not even be aware of these frustrations, and if he does, it’s been dwarfed by the ego, past successes, boastful, and pride nature in him.

I quickly posted the Relationship / Compatibility Chart of USA and North Korea (DPKR) to the FEN COMMUNITY (FC) chat group. One student remarked, “they seemed to be compatible with lots of 2s and 7s. However, I think too much could create an imbalance, but it may come out acceptable. Not many Fire elements to make any major upset. Overall, I think the outcome might be positive for both parties.” Another student replied, “having many sets of 27/72 in the chart, looks like it is going to be an auspicious day for the summit. Likely to be a friendly meeting, though both parties will encounter many obstacles during meeting pursuing for success. There will be demands and disagreements between the two parties, which they have to iron out themselves. Either party has to manage their relationships for long-term benefits for this meeting to have a positive result. At the end of the day, based on the numbers on the chart, I think the meeting will be going to be a success (9-9)

Good insights from the FEN students, and I’m glad their profiling observations has improved tremendously. I’m happy they could utilise the knowledge gained from different trainers, digest them, and came up with their own style of profiling analysis. I replied, “Check the Combined Day Chart too. As observed, could be a NATO (No Action Talk Only) regardless of whether the summit is a success. What’s next, depending on whether Trump is blowing his horn (or trumpet), which could agitate Kim…

Now, let’s look at Donald Trump’s EON charts, find out if we can discover any similarities in his behaviours and personalities with the tendency signs present.

If you have the FEON+ software installed on your Android smartphone, you could plot his Reflection Chart. Notice the 6-3-9-3-6-9 patterns in M-N-O-P-Q-R of the chart? And elsewhere in S-T-U (the 2-7-9 patterns), and V-W-X (the 9-9-9 patterns). These described the extra traits of a person with successes on their head, and the need for fast and immediate impact. Everything has to be executed quickly and hastily due to the impatience and short-termed focus of the 6-3-9-3-6-9 patterns.

The traits are further reinforced when we look at his EON birth chart – the 3-3-6 present in V-W-X locations, which also signifies an impatient person who deemed an instant success as a norm than the exclusion, and to achieve what he wants regardless of the consequences.

The double sets of 2-4-6 in M-N-O-P-Q denote a person capable of communicating their plans to others, and could sweet-talks and twist their words well. And as noted in earlier articles, 2-2 could imply [talk-talk] only, meaning no one really knows what’s on his mind as what he says now, could be overwritten by another statement. Easily, that’s Donald Trump for sure.

While we could associate the multiple 6s as wealth, and he surely has them, we could also relate them as power, security, and financial stability when it comes to politicians. With power comes responsibilities, thus they said. But to a success-driven person (multiple 9s in his Reflection Chart) with wealth and assets (multiple 1-2-3, and 6s), what else does he need? When there are too many Metal elements present, it could manifest traits associated with the element, like pride, show off, arrogance, boastfulness (like, “only Donald Trump can save humanity“), egoistic, idealistic, and others.

On health matters, and by applying the Five Elements principles, strong Metal could aggravate and affect his:

  • brains (like cognitive and intellectual thinking skills, memory loss or dementia, sleep apnea, restless, anxiety)
  • motor skills (like Alzheimer)
  • respiratory (like lung infection, breathlessness, hyperventilation, pneumonia)
  • and other mental health conditions (like mental depression, addictions, and hallucinations)

Strong Metal could also affect the Wood, Earth, and Fire elements. This implies the tendency signs of the person showing signs of emotional anxiety, temperamental angst (at the extreme end, like bipolar disorder), and with regular digestive or stomach-related problems.

I was surprised, well actually, I’m not surprised knowing after all his traits, when I read The Guardian articleDonald Trump cancels North Korea nuclear summit”. What was fascinating to me, is not about his explanations about the cancellation, but his imposing signature. I’d a keen interest in graphology and signature analysis in the 80s, and bought some books to read for knowledge. I texted to the FC chat group, “I noticed his signature – full of sharp critical inclinations, and especially his ending part, which to me, looks like some kind of backtracking and unsure. That signature really represents his true self.” I also encourage FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students to learn basic graphology when they have time. And when one student asked further regarding Donald Trump’s signature on the cancellation letter, I replied, “there are sharp ups and downs, suggesting critical and wavering actions. The last part is like unsure and revert-action types. If you do an Internet search for his signature, you’d notice he changed his signature. This one is more vocal, arrogant, imposing, the show-off, and boastful type.

Not surprisingly, the next day I read another The Guardian articleDonald Trump says North Korea summit could be back on” and the quotes “They very much want to do it. We’d like to do it” that reinforced his prideful and egoistic nature, of “I am more powerful, and I can be flexible” thinking.

Whether it’d be another on-off-on-off situation again, no one knows, even Donald himself. Nevertheless, from his Combined Day Chart for the summit day, the energies are favourable and beneficial to him. That means, it could further enhance his ego if the summit is held, as the 2-4-6-1-8-9 pattern is present. That implies [Communicate – Plans – Stability/Weapons – Leadership – Stress / Responsibility – Success / Humanitarian]. Separately, the 2-4-6 pattern  denotes the ability to convey his plans (and desires) about the security and denuclearisation across effectively, and the 1-8-9 pattern denotes the “perfectionist” traits, which imply there could be some form of perfect but compromised agreement made between Donald and Kim.

That’s all about Donald Trump in today’s article. If the summit is confirmed and held, there is hope for everyone. If the summit is cancelled, it’d be a missed opportunity for them. Whatever it is, Donald Trump has to take charge of his health as his PY2019 chart is showing some health symptoms. It could happen as early as late this year, or later into early 2020.

Oh, wait a minute… there’s one more observation.

The headlines “Edward Snowden: There’s No One Trump Loves More Than Vladimir Putin” from HuffingtonPost via Yahoo News attracted my attention. Plot both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s chart and take note of the tendency signs on the Relationship/ Compatibility Chart. Whether Edward is telling the truth or lies, we don’t actually know. However, the signs in the EON chart don’t lie. Sure, if this is a chart between lovers, like the usual male and female chart, it could draw a relationship full of high sexual activities, joy, passionate, and fiery exciting moments (multiple 3s). I guessed for them, it’s more straightforward and manly talks, and friendly relationship. Anyway, the double criss-crossed 1-2-3 patterns could denote the ability for two leaders (1) to have great communication vibes (2) and act together (3) for better security and stability (6).

If you find this article interesting, get my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” now. You can order them directly from me, and I will despatch the book to anywhere in the world. And if you’re staying in Singapore, you can learn more about the Elements of Numbers (EON) method by attending my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) class. You get to learn beyond the EON techniques, and continue to enjoy the lifelong, profiling support via the FEN COMMUNITY WhatsApp chat group. Oh, you also get the FEON+ software free when you attend the FEN WORKSHOP. Alternatively, you can separately purchase and registered the FEON+ software (for Android smartphones only) from our affiliate MeganWorx Software site (click here for details), and start your profiling analysis at your own time, pace, and anywhere,

I look forward to receiving your views and comments. Email me at  SunTzu2796@gmail.com.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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