Smart Or Not?

Kelly decided to register for the 6th FEN WORKSHOP class scheduled next month on 27-28 October 2018, taking opportunity of the early-bird discount offer. In my welcome WhatsApp message to those who registered, I also suggested the person to post any question to me, in the meantime, should they have in mind. Kelly responded, “My friend’s son… how to tell from the chart that he is not so smart as he is studying the foundation level at P6?

There are times when the smart genes (book-smart and street-smart) of a young child is present on the EON Birth chart, but yet the child’s school results were not equally good as the parent hoped to be. What could have possibly happened when the child has smart genes, but the individual or parents claimed otherwise? In my earlier FEN (Five Elements Numerology) classes, I told the students that one possible contributing factor was not the child, but the parents.

Consider the case of Kelly’s friend. Let’s addressed him as John, and his son as James. James’ EON chart shows that he has the book-smart genes. This means, using EON theory, he’s born with the ability to study hard on his own, and/or hold a keen interest in reading. What’s more is the fact that James also has the street-smart genes as well. Together, with both book-smart and street-smart genes available in James’s birth chart, this implies that James does have the power and capacity to study smart by maximising his resourcefulness. Why or how then did the question of “how to tell from the chart that he is not so smart…” arises?

Let’s recall what I have said or written earlier – about the contributing factors of a young child’s inability to study, because of his or her parent(s). From James’ birth chart, and on the father’s sector (location I-J-M), the number pattern is 8-4-3. In the basic keyword, we could interpret that as [Stress – Plan – Anger]. Maybe because John – James’ father – could have frequently insisted his son to study, shouting out loud, and suggesting the need to study hard and earn “more money” when he grows up. James’ relationship with his dad, might be a stressful one. It’s all more or less study time and no quality child’s playtime. When a father keeps nagging, lecturing, or reprimanding a child, what will the child do or how will the child feel? Naturally, the kid would be scared or emotional, or worst, mentally feeling fearful. And these might affect his mental state of intellect.

On the other hand, when the kid is not happy with the stressful environment at home, he will rebel by not studying. And similar in one of my earlier case study articles, he’d intentionally failed his school test and exams, just to spite the parents or seek their attention. Perhaps James might find it fun to see his father getting angrier, or by generating more attention from John, whenever he failed his test.  Over time, his intentionally failing the tests, became a habit. James is not utilising his book-smart and street-smart genes optimally, partly because of John.

Now, let’s look at the numbers present in James’ mother sector (locations K-L-N). Let’s addressed her as Jocelyn. The 2-6-8 could be interpreted as [Talk – Money/Home – Stress]. This implies Jocelyn’s and James’ relationship at home might again be a forcing one, with the mother nagging or bickering at her son, to study hard so that he can have a good, well-paid job in the future. There might be a tendency that Jocelyn is worrying about what or how others would discover or feel about her son. That is to say, it’s might be about “face saving” competitive worries about others’ feelings, rather than focusing and understanding her child better.

Both John and Jocelyn might not have exercised the “tiger mom or lion dad” pushy behaviours that I’ve described earlier, but partially, the signs are suggesting as such. It’s not too late to adjust their parenting skill, and adapts their caring attention on their child’s emotional needs.

Now, the problem might not be totally because of John’s or Jocelyn’s parenting skills. James has a part to play as well. The 3-8-2 is like [Fast – Stress – Feeling], which implies James need more careful guidance to boost his insecurity. unstable feelings, and sensitive spirits. His ego might have been affected. He might have bottled up the self-inflicting hurt upon himself, and because of the family environment, it could have unconsciously affected his mental intelligence.

I presented the concepts of EFV FLOW in my recent FEN WORKSHOP classes. It allows FEN students to identify the behavioural inclinations a person might take, depending on their positive or negative influences. In James’ case, there might be a need for his parents to spend quality time to plan and build James’s foundation on a caring and amicable manner. This could gradually invoke James’ ego, trust, and ability to renew his street-smart genes to be more resourceful and attentive; and his book-smart genes to increase his capacity and knowledge to be a study-smart boy.

I also presented the basics of the Transactional Analysis method in my FEN classes as a remedial action the FEN students can apply or advise others. This entails, both John and Jocelyn must strive to communicate with James on an “adult-adultego state manner, rather than a “critical parent – rebellious childego state. This way, James’ responses towards his parents’ concern and caring approach, could be more positive and less-rebellious. Over time, with John and Jocelyn knowing that their child requires different attention and parenting style; and James feeling happier at home, he could easily tap on his resourcefulness and study smart by learning by concepts, rather than study hard by memory. In summary, James is a smart and resourceful boy. What his parents need to do and practise is to adjust their parenting skills by paying attention and understanding their son’s ego and needs.

The early-bird discount offer for the 6th FEN WORKSHOP class is ending this Sunday (30 Sep 2018). The dates and class is confirmed. Limited seats are available, so register immediately before registration is closed. You’ll get to learn about the book-smart and street-smart genes, and how to distinguish them. You’ll also find out how to maximise these smart genes in a particular year as well. And I’ll share the basic techniques of Transactional Analysis in class too. You’ll learn other extended techniques like the EFV FLOW, which empower you to create positive change, easily.

And with the lifelong support of being in the FEN COMMUNITY WhatsApp chat group, your profiling lessons with me don’t stop after the FEN class ended. Rather, you continue to get the coaching from all FEN students and me.

Click this link for course details and register.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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