Confusing influence sectors

I’m aware some external trainers conducting other numerology methods, mentioned that the numbers in locations V-U-S (S-T-U in EON method) represents the relationship with friends or customers – known as the “Energy” sector. The numbers in W-X-T (V-W-X in EON method) represent the relationship with family members or relatives – known as the “Vitality or Qi” sector.

That is an interesting theory, best known to these trainers personally. Today’s article is not to rebuke their theory, but rather, to address the reasoning and alternative profiling techniques from the Elements of Numbers (EON) method. Considerably, the sectors and associations with family and others, doesn’t sound logical to me.

Many people who’ve read my articles here, including my EON/FEN students, knew the differences in the sectors governing our ‘formulative’ or formative years and outside social influences. Furthermore, it still doesn’t make sense that the hereditary sector stated by these trainers is on the left side of the chart, when they held the same theory that V-U-S (S-T-U in EON method) is about the relationship with friends of customers. 

Perhaps these trainers know something that I’m not aware. Furthermore, these external trainers don’t share their profiling analysis to the public which makes it almost impossible for me to read and understand “where/how their theories came about” and ways to apply it. For now, it doesn’t seem sensible to me, based on my experience in the various Chinese Metaphysics systems, and Metaphysics software development. These experience builds the curiosity/enquiring urge to understand the underlying root causes and in-depth data pattern mining, to understand patterns, sequences, and repetitions, for easier and sensible explanations, and executions.

When I designed the EON chart, its association with a person doing meditation is with a purpose – it defines the structure we can identify with the person, from their body forms to their mindset; their family and social influences. From the Elements of Numbers (EON) method, the numbers in S-T-U represent the formative years, the external influences of our family upbringing – the approach our parents behaved, acted, and responded while raising us up. And as well as their teachings on cultural beliefs, social, and family histories, and their limiting self-beliefs. These influences, over the years, have contributed to a portion of what we believe in, today.

The numbers in V-W-X in EON theory, represents the other external influence – the ever-changing environment we’re exposed to. From young, it’s mainly about the influences from schools (teachers, principals, and school mates), friends, and even relatives and siblings. The environment (home, government policies, and even financial capacities) does influence or affect us as well.

Over the years, when we transform from a young kid into a teenager, we’re exposed to new influences, changing our behaviours, beliefs, and habits. And when we’ve reached the adulthood stage, we’re further being influenced by fellow workers and bosses at work, social friends and influences; and the way we handle situations and responded to them. These V-W-X numbers in this external influencing sector is changing periodically, which explains why the same V-W-X location in the Personal Year Chart for one year is different from another. Then again, as we recognised, the S-T-U locations, which represents our formative years, are constant. That is why it doesn’t sounds logical for these external trainers’ theories of their V-U-S (S-T-U in EON method) to be about friends or customers. Are they implying the relationship of friends and customers don’t change at all – since the numbers in that location constantly remains the same in periodic charts- through the lifetime of the person? We can change friends or social contacts (V-W-X) any time, but we cannot change who our parents are (S-T-U). Hence, the S-T-U location representing the formative years, in the Elements of Numbers (EON) method is logical, relevant, and applicable for profiling analysis.

From EON perspectives, the locations mentioned by these external trainers, should be swopped. That’d allow us to profile an individual’s characters – their potential behaviours, habits, and family influence – from birth. Those are the numbers along the left-side of the EON Chart, in the I-J-M-S-T-U locations.

As we grow older over the years, our self-limiting beliefs, mindsets, and behaviours changed along the way to be who we are today. We might change again tomorrow or next week, as the periodic vibes could have influenced us, affecting a mindset shift. That changing energies and periodic vibes, are where we could identify from the right-side of the EON Chart, in the K-L-N-V-W-X locations.

I’m not saying these external trainers are wrong or correct; and I’d leave it to their students to interpret them, apply the theories to their profiling case study analysis, and do a judgement call. I self-published my EON book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” in 2010 and started posting articles thereafter, to share my profiling research and discoveries on the EON method freely. I’m positive that my EON theory works for me, and many others… and helped me profile many case studies, and posted them publicly too. I’ve constantly believed in logical reasoning and understanding the underlying factors that could have contributed to certain behaviours, and then associated these to the numbers in the EON charts. And it has been so insightful and aspiring for me, building my own abilities to develop the FEON+ software – to help me automates the mundane task of plotting the charts, and adding essential informations that I might have missed out, if I were to plot manually.

As I don’t see regular case-study articles posted freely by these external trainers, I can only based on the reason they might not be confident or comfortable to share their profiling knowledge publicly, to minimise feedback – be they positive or negative ones. I’m also concerned with the many search requests done on my site since 2010 – many of the phrases were non-EON theories, like specific phrases linking to certain number patterns, and terminologies taught by these external trainers. Could it be that their students have found out its limited application use taught by these external trainers, and decided to explore elsewhere, like checking on my site hoping to find answers?

While I don’t have the answers to non-EON theories, I’d not hesitate to share my observations, as I have, and will always do, within my abilities, to continue to post articles based on the searched postings, and explained them from an EON perspective.

Don’t worry if you’ve attended these external courses elsewhere. You are here for a reason. First, you need a mindset shift; simply read my articles with an open mind – digest and strive to understand my observations  in the articles, and correlate them with the EON chart and the Elements of Numbers (EON) theory. Avoid mixing them with other theories you’ve learned elsewhere, as the chart and locations are different. If a certain theory that you’ve learned somewhere else holds true to most of your profiling analysis, then include them in your own profiling notes. If it doesn’t, put it aside for now as it might come handy/useful in another profiling case.

Set aside the confusing influence sectors you might have learned elsewhere. There is no correct or wrong profiling method; it’s just how you’ve always interpreted them based on the trainer’s perspectives. And as our behaviours and thinking do change over time, these perspectives might not be the right angle or view to look at. Hence, the need for you to fully understand alternative theories and profiling techniques that enabled switching to relevant data that could help you analyse and identifies tendency signs. This relevant information can only be found in your personal profiling notes, not mine or the external trainers you’ve learned from. Document your findings into your personal profiling notes if you can; or look for external reference or software tools (like FEON+) that provide such relevant information.

Use your sensible and intellectual thinking during the profiling exercises. What’s more significant are the application usage you have learned and understood, and how you can boost the confidence and reasonable explanations while profiling a chart. And when you receive positive feedback from others regarding your analysis, these further affirmed your understanding of the relevant method used specifically for that person.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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