On the “Agility in Profiling: Personal Year” Webinar (15 July 2021)
I just completed another series of ‘Agility in Profiling‘ webinars last night, 15 July 2021 (Thursday). The session’s topic: PERSONAL YEAR. Once again, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those who attended the webinar, posted questions, and participated in the case-study walkthrough section.
Analysing the PERSONAL YEAR is more than just looking at the Personal Year (PY) Charts and performing number patterns matching. Some external trainers might suggest counting the total of each number in the chart, to assume the strengths and weaknesses. Other trainers may be using their own way of analysing PY charts, and as I’m not aware of their approach, it is not practical to guess them.
The first part, an important section, deals with the introduction of EON chart layouts and quick explanations of numbers and locations. This is necessary because the webinar “Agility in Profiling” is now open to everyone, even if you did not attend my previous FEN (Five Elements Numerology) courses.
The 2.5-hour webinar session is focused on one topic and related techniques so that I can elaborate with more examples. It does not include all techniques taught in the 2-day FEN WORKSHOP course, in case you might assume. As the webinar attendees could have previously attended UCHMP courses and others, it’s essential to allow them to “learn, unlearn, relearn” the chart format so that they can continue learning the EON techniques quickly.
The second part focuses on sharing the various techniques I’ve often applied to PERSONAL YEAR profiling. It’s not about theories, but using real-world applications that I shared at the webinar. I’ve introduced the “MINDSET – NOTION – OPINION” concept, for the first time, to explain another way of analysing a person’s tendency to perceive, think, and formulate their thoughts in a certain year. This approach lets you examine the PY vibes from a behavioural point of view.
I’ve shared the multi-layered analytical approach on PY charts, and including why the Universal/Personal (U/P) Pillars (exclusive in EON/FEN method) is also an important area to check on. You can use the U/P Pillar to look at health, luck, career and other life aspects. For example, I’ve shown a slide of Christian Eriksen’s EON chart, and explain how the tendency signs in his Year’s U/P Pillar suggest some form of heart condition when we focused on the health aspect. According to The Guardian article, Christian Eriksen collapsed on 12 June 2021. I’ve also shared the number pattern associated to possible cardiac arrest.
In case you are unsure, the numbers in the M-N-O-P-Q-R locations are repeated every nine years. Therefore, it’s harder to identify the periodic influences that might affect you as every nine years it seems like the energies are back. That was a main reason why many people could not identify relevant clues in their PY charts, especially those who’d completed advanced or mastery level courses conducted by their numerology trainers elsewhere. I formulated the “9-year cycle” (9Yr-C) Code a few years ago, which allows me to identify additional signs covering a broader period of time, which could influence and affect you. I am pleased that the 9Yr-C code can provide meaningful signs.
I showed another slide, this time with two charts (PY2016 and PY2020) of Donald Trump, and explain how the energies present in the 9Yr-C Code influenced him – to win the presidency race in 2016, and to lose the presidency race in 2020. I wasn’t surprised when one participant asked about my 9Yr-C formula; some users have asked before. I could not reveal much as the 9Yr-C code is just one of the many proprietary features in the FEON+ Pro software that took me years of research and development time. Anyway, you can always use the FEON+ Pro software when it’s released officially.
The last section of the webinar was on live demonstrations, with participants providing birth dates for the analysis. From each given chart, I then explained how to analyse the PY chart according to the question asked. Overall, I’m pleased that the webinar session was a success, mainly due to the participants’ support, their learning mindsets, and their desire to understand more about the different profiling techniques from me.
Though there is no plan to repeat the topics from previous webinars for this year, I’m flexible. I understand some of you have missed the previous webinar sessions. If you’ve attended external courses like UCMHP (and Clarity Numbers), PON, LifeQuest (Science of Numbers), Visiber, and others, and would like me to repeat the past session topics, simply gather a group of like-minded friends (minimum 10-pax). I can insert an ad-hoc webinar for your group and others.
Meanwhile, there would be different topics to address the many extended techniques that I’ve shared in previous 2-day FEN classes, but will elaborate each technique in detail at each webinar session. The topics that are coming up (not in order and topic titles are tentative) are Five Elements Visualisation, Relationships, Smart Genes, Life Path Profiling, Childbirth, Directions & Qi Tapping, EON Remedies (Periodic Codes, EFV Flow/Span), and others.
I encourage you to take the opportunity to learn something new during the upcoming webinar. Take a first-hand look at the training styles, and above all, your learning experience. While you’ll not learn all FEN techniques in just one webinar, you’ll acquire the knowledge to apply at least one useful technique for better profiling. If you’ve read and gained useful knowledge from my articles, you’ll get to enjoy learning the underlying principles and the extended techniques from me directly.
Details of upcoming webinar can be found here.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun