Tagged: NLP

On NLP: Need to Know?

I noted there were searches like “NLP, unzip code, Baby, Childbirth, May 8 1997, 8 May 1997, Obstacle ’5’ in Personal year, the lust, career” and many others, made recently. I’ll randomly select one...


On Jinx Number Again

Sometime back in June 2018, I posted an article “On Jinx Number” and highlighted the self-perceived, limiting beliefs of the trainer who concluded certain numbers on the weakness side of the birth chart, to...


4-8-3 in PY Chart

During the past few days, I noticed there were searches for “4-4-8, 4-4-8-3-3-6, 4-4, 448336, 448336 in PY Chart” on my website. Here’s a word of advice, especially those who’ve attended many numerology courses...


Extrovert and Introvert numbers

During one of my FEN classes, John asked if there is a way we can identify if a person is deemed to be an extrovert or introvert. John had earlier attended the UCMHP course conducted...


Sponging off others

I received a text message from a friend Katherine, who wrote, “Just thought of calculating my friend’s birthdate manually earlier and discovered that her numbers may be of interest to you as a case...


NLP + EON = Enriching Goals

I was talking to Daniel the other day about sharing new EON techniques at future EON workshop sessions. While we chatted away happily on the new discoveries, Daniel mentioned visiting the library the day before...

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