Have you constantly been shocked, embarrassed, confused, stumbled, distressed, or just feeling uncomfortable and apprehensive even after taking numerology lessons from someone else? Have you ever regretted spending so much money to attend rudimentary lessons – at basic, advanced, and/or practitioner levels – that are often prejudiced, impractical, illogical, irrational and irrelevant?
I can understand how you feel, as I’ve experienced the frustrated and desperate feelings too.
And you're here to learn the practical and logical profiling method? Or are you simply visiting this site for the first time, hoping to find out more about how we can help you to know yourself better, and that of your loved ones, and others? Don't worry, whatever the reasons, there is light and clarity (plus hope, with right mindset) here.
If you’re familiar with other profiling methods (Indian, Arabian, Egyptian, Western, and others), Astrology, Feng Shui, Horoscope, Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny), and other metaphysics system, our unique EON method can bring fresh insights on profiling behavioural states and personality traits, in a unique, interesting, and easier way. Read about it in our articles, get the EON book, and begin an exciting journey of elemental discoveries… here.
Hi, in case we haven't met, I'm Ron WZ Sun, and welcome to my Elements of Numbers (EON) portal. Here, I hope you can enjoy an insightful experience knowing more about the EON method and extended Five Elements Numerology (FEN) techniques that I’ve formulated and introduced over the years, since 2010.
Learn, know, and understand yourself by applying the logical, practical, and relevant EON/FEN techniques, and adopt the growth mindset to change and prepare yourself for better times ahead.
I've self-published and launched the EON book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” in 2010. Thousands of readers have benefited, many became BETTER than ever before. Get the EON book as the first step to know yourself and understand others better. Learn the basic principles of the Elements of Numbers (EON) method, at your own time, pace, location and comfort, without spending a lot of hard-earned money.
I've posted over a thousand of articles here since 2010. It's all about my strong continuing passion and dedication to guide you to become a better YOU. Read through the articles – case studies, number patterns, newer techniques, discussing fearful theories and external methods taught elsewhere. I know you'll enjoy reading the articles, as thousands have read them and benefited over the years. Don't limit your learning lessons here – read and be better.
I’ve developed the FEON+ software to facilitate my own profiling analysis. I’ve often included screen shots of charts taken from the FEON+ software in many of my case-study articles, and explained its features and relevance. I've added exciting functionality to the software to enable us (students, registered users, and myself) to analyse charts in a more effective, productive and efficient way. Start using the FEON+ tool, be happy, and smile always.
To all my supporters who bought my EON books; students who attended my courses and workshops (EON, FEN, NSQ) over the years; and all those who’ve helped to spread the good feelings learning the EON method, and positively shared the link of this EON site to others – thanks for all your support.
And now to you – if you’re reading this article – I hope you’ll enjoy visiting this site as much as I enjoy sharing the useful information through my articles. Do spread the good feelings around too. Thanks to you, in advance…
Happy learning…
Regards, Ron WZ Sun