Tagged: 123

On Simon: Career concerns – Part 2

I’m glad Simon had read the Part 1 article (click here), and shared his comments… [Simon] I identified myself with birth root number 3 (fire) wanting to have and/or do things quickly and have...


Nancy & Her Career Vibes

I received a WhatsApp message in early August from Nancy, who wrote, “I would like to enrol for the FEN workshop. Please advise how to do it and how to start from here. Or...


On 1-2-3 and 2-4-6

You’ll come to understand why some people could get rich while some couldn’t, once you understood the cause-and-effect influences surrounding your unconscious mind. Once you understand that, you’ll have various choices to make consciously...


Fun people with 2-3

I hope you’ve read my earlier article “People with 2-3 and 3-2 patterns” posted yesterday. Please click here to read it first if you haven’t already done so, to get some insights. I’ve highlighted...


People with 2-3 and 3-2 patterns

Today’s article is on a recent search on this site done by one or more users on “people with 2-3” and “1-2-3.” When analysing a number pattern, or series of numbers closely linked –...


On Shirin: Relationship and Wealth

I received an email from Roy, who asked if I could profile for his friend with regards to relationship and wealth. For easier reference, let’s address Roy’s female friend as Shirin. Let’s focused on...


Anniesa Hasibuan: Ego & Temptations

According to this Yahoo article, titled “Leading Muslim fashion designer jailed in Indonesia fraud,” it was quoted that Anniesa “was sentenced to 18 years in prison Wednesday for a multi-million dollar fraud and money-laundering.”...

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