One 9 Too Many

In the basic Power of Numbers (PON) method, the Number 9 is associated to Success and Property. Does that mean if a person has many sets of number 9 in their birth chart, they would be successful and has many properties?

I know many of you would shake your head sideways and say “NO.”

In any metaphysics science, there is no right or wrong conclusion as it all depends on what you want to know – your focus of attention (question). Once you have identified that, then it would be easier to find out the symptoms and probable causes.

Let us do a case study using the Elements of Numbers (EON) method. Here is a sample birth chart of “Jane”. We will focus on the frequency of number 9s present in her birth chart.

Yes, Jane can be a successful person. However, with too many 9s in her chart, the negative energies may overwhelm the good ones, making Jane feeling more greedy and stubborn. Of course, the other negative energies of Wood element mentioned in my other articles do apply to Jane as well. These include the tendencies to be emotional and cheating on others.

The number 9 is like a tall tree, with its trunk growing upwards toward the sky.

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Jane can also be an inquisitive and to some extent, may have hidden characteristics or agenda that she does not want others to know.

So, too many number 9s does not imply many successes and properties. Too many 9s is like too many

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The success mind-set (bacteria) rules over Jane’s head, and she becomes dreamy most of the time, always talking to others about her successes which unfortunately, is just “No Action, Talk Only”.

Do take care if you have a birth chart similar to Jane. Focus on one area at a time, take action and make a success out of it before venturing to fulfil your next dream.

On health side, apart from the emotional effects I have mentioned in other articles, do take care of your diet and food intake as the possibility of getting high cholesterol could be high. Too much cholesterol in the blood can be serious and may lead to a greater chance of getting heart disease.

Prevention is better and cheaper than cure.  Change how you feel simply by what you eat. Live the life you want, and not let the daily health medication ruin your destiny.

Regards, Ron


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