Smoke, Alcohol, and Drugs – Part 1

Why do some people become chain-smokers, alcoholics, or drug addicts? Why are some people able to stop the cravings before it gets worst? And why do others continue to smoke, drink (alcohol) or take drugs even though they know of the potential health hazards?

Smoking, alcoholic drinking, and taking drugs has a harmful impact on all the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), such addictions are due to yin deficiency in both the liver and kidney.

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In simple terms, it implied the body inside is too dry. Therefore there is a need to stimulate the dryness. These resulted in people taking up smoking, drinking or taking drugs to provide the stimulants.  If taken in small amounts, it stimulates blood circulation. However, when one starts to take larger amount, it becomes an addiction, and thus, becomes a health hazard. In TCM, it is the balance of the body that benefit a long-term good health.

For now, let us use the Elements of Numbers (EON) method and find out how we can identify the probable signs of an addict.

First, such addiction may arise when

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The key focus here is the Fire element. You should look at the Fire element in your birth chart, Personal Year chart, or both. For some people, when the Fire element is too strong, they would become irritable and temperamental, and show signs of anxiety and anger. They may cough more because of dryness. For some others, their blood pressure may rise, resulting in high blood pressure, hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

The immediate solution is to drink enough amount of water to reduce the health symptoms, and be positive. As our human body contains 60- 70% of water, it is important to “refill” them regularly, in the correct manner.

Do you believe if I say your thoughts alone can influence the water in your body system? Believe it or not, it does!

Any treatment for addiction can be effective only if the person is determined to change. With a positive thought and with regular drinking of non-alcoholic water, we are controlling the Fire element by introducing other elements, with the purpose to harmonise the energies in our body.

That’s all for Part 1. I believe I have given enough insights on the theory part. I will elaborate more in Part 2, and will include case studies. Until then, happy reading!

Oh… please start making it a habit to drink enough water!

Regards, Ron


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