Why Demi Lovato went for treatment

Just a day after I posted my article “Emotional Strain on Demi Lovato”, the truth is finally out – it was a fight that started it all, according to this People article.

In yesterday’s article, I mentioned “There are potential signs of mental or maniac depression. At the extreme end, it could lead to becoming more violent and abusive. Lovato has to learn to control her anger, temper and stress.”

I noted there were partial likenesses in the numbers (and elements) present in her Birth and Personal Year charts, compared with the possible patterns on domestic violence.

Although there was a partial pattern in Lovato’s birth chart, it doesn’t mean her emotional temperament would not get any worst. Always remember the negative energies can manifest during a particular Personal Year. These may aggravate the emotion and anger moods further.

“One who, while himself seeking happiness, does not oppress with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will find happiness hereafter.” – Dhammapada

It’s good that she could quickly reflect on her actions and took charge to change them quickly. If Lovato can continue to do so, she could maximise her strong intuitive mind to focus on other happier pursuits.

I also mentioned “She should also learn how to relax and work to improve her relationships with others.” Yes, she has to learn to be more communicative with others. She could have a stressful childhood experience when communicating with others and that caused her to be lonely at times, even though she may not be alone. This could have influenced her view on others.

If she can continue to manage her anger, stress and emotions, she should be able to find the happiness she wish and deserve.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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