Hard Knocks and Opportunities
I sincerely apologise to those who had tried to visit this web-blog over the weekend. There were some technical/server issues which have since been resolved this afternoon (local Singapore time).
This incident reinforced the phrase I used in my book, – the need to “Feel the Fear, Experience the Success”. We should prepare for “Plan B” although we must strive hard to make “Plan A” a success.
Life is also full of hard knocks, just like the technical problem on this site over the weekend. We face them in our lives. So, it is NOT ONLY YOU who faced such ‘bad problems’ in this world. Even with the best harmonised environment for ideal manifestation of positive energies, many popular Feng Shui experts also encountered health problems. Many health experts and medical professionals also encountered health problems. Nobody’s perfect – we’re all humans.
What is important is how WELL and FAST you want to stand up when you fall. And in every hard knocks, there is always the opportunity that comes along, if you know where to find and how to identify them. Seek and you shall find.
Why are you here? You are here because you, like many others, is still not satisfied with where you are and what you want to be. I wouldn’t say Elements of Numbers (EON) is the best. All I can say is to try EON out and see whether it can help you understand yourself and others better. It may not be the best, but it can be the ideal system for you to start taking action for a better tomorrow.
If you are one of those who tried to access my site over the weekend and felt frustrated or “with a tiny sense of disappointment”, it’s normal. Many of you are here to learn how to better yourself and others, through EON.
Most importantly, learning EON is just one of the many life-changing skills you can pick up and practise as well. Do not be too obsessed by your excitement over how EON can help you. Do spend quality time with your loved ones, and take care of your mental and physical health.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun