Special Thanks…

Special thanks and gratitude to those who had bought my books at:

  • Institute of Feng Shui Bazi’s BaziClub gathering on 30 Sep 2010
  • my EON presentation at the Singapore Microcomputer Society’s General Interest Group gathering on 8 Oct 2010
  • International Feng Shui Association’s gathering at the Singapore Polytechnic on 9 Oct 2010.

I’d also like to thank all those who bought my books locally at Times Bookstore and Wan Li Book Co; and online via Amazon and other online sites.

I have also received emails from enthusiasts and Feng Shui practitioners living in Malaysia asking how they can buy my book at MPH or Popular bookstores in Malaysia. You can ask the bookstore’s representatives to contact MarketAsia Distributors directly to stock up my books since MPH/Popular do offices and bookstores in Singapore.

Now that you have access to my book, try to digest them slowly. Do not rush and be patient especially when you are new to the Elements of Numbers (EON) method. I have designed my book like a course book. You will learn the basics from the first few chapters, and then progressively learn more advanced information in the later chapters. Always remember to practise once you have completed reading each chapter.

Once you have completed reading my book and done your practices, reread my articles again. I believe you will be able to grasp a ‘clearer view’ on the explanations I’ve made.

Thanks to those who emailed me. I’m happy there are people who’d found my book interesting. I’m confident you can find useful information that can change your life, and that of many others.

Do send me interesting birth charts or queries that I can use as case studies for my next blog article here.

Once again, thanks for the support.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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