From Double Vision to Suicide
Charles sent me an email with the birth date of Tim, his former colleague. Tim had an eye operation and subsequently began to see double images on the affected eye. Tim could not sleep and went to see a psychiatrist. Unfortunately, Tim committed suicide on 28 Oct 2010.
Charles wanted to know what could have probably caused Tim to commit suicide, using the Elements of Numbers (EON) method.
I’ve based my analysis from my understanding on the characteristics and elemental influences of the numbers. OK… my intuition plays a part too. Not everything you are about to read may be true. So, read it with an open mind.
Now, let us look at Tim’s Birth chart and his Personal Year 2010 chart.
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The number 9 (Wood) is about emotions. Although the
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Tim’s PY2010 chart has the mirror effect. That could be one possible reason he kept seeing double images.
What worried me is this – Tim’s “spiritual senses” was strong this year. He could either be hallucinating or could see or sense the paranormal presence. It “drove him crazy”. Others may think he was mentally “unsound.” With the mental stress and emotions, the urge to “end it all” was high for him.
I also asked Charles whether Tim was facing any financial problems. According to Charles, Tim has left quite a large amount of money to his siblings. I may be wrong here – I suspect money could be one of the contributing factor.
As I have my self-developed software installed on my phone, I plotted the day of suicide (28 Oct 2010). I found both the Personal Day and Personal Week numbers are 8 (Fire). An 8-8 is real stressful and can easily turn an unstable person into maniac depression or violent state. That could have intensified Tim’s stress and temperament, and triggered the deadly action.
Unless we can find out more about Tim’s mental condition before his death, and the discussions with his psychiatrist, the truth is not for us to know.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun