Forecast on Presidential Election Day

By now, Singaporeans would know that the Polling Day for the Presidential Election is set for 27 August 2011 (Sat). Click this link for more details.

I did a forecast on the probable date in early July and send an email newsletter to users who’d attended my 1st EON Workshop. Future email newsletter would include tips and techniques to allow continual learning experience. They can then learn the extended EON methods to better their profiling skills.

Let’s take a brief look at some of the clues that influenced my forecast, using the Elements of Numbers (EON) method.

The Day Chart for 28 August 2011 could imply there are signs of separation (8-4-3) for supporters’ benefits (7-2-9). The Personal Month number 2 (for August) implies there are signs of communication (talking), gossiping and movement in August.

In many of my previous articles, I’ve mentioned the 7-5-3 could imply the tendency of losing money, court case, and legal matters (laws of the country).

Notice the multiple sets of 7-5-3 (and 5-7-3) present on the Combined Day Chart. These denote legal matters of the people, to elect the next President of Singapore.

The 3-3-6 is about the result – fast action made by the supporters (all eligible Singaporeans) to ensure the continual stability, progress and prosperity of the nation.

It was a simple and straightforward forecast that needs minimal use of the right brain for a creative analysis.

Want to try out more creative approach?

Here’s one for thoughts…  The 3-4-7

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Don’t worry if you haven’t thought of that. Many of you are not aware you can use the extended method in EON for advanced profiling. Learn to understand the elements of the numbers, its interactions and relationships, and the tendency signs and behaviours. Build up your knowledge and experience. Applying the extended EON profiling method is just a small step you can take towards better and healthier life for you and many others.

I’ve received email enquiries on the 2nd EON Workshop schedule. Some of you have already confirmed your seats as you do not want to miss out the second session. I’ll release the details of the workshop soon.

Until then, start practising the EON method and build up your knowledge and profiling confidence.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun






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