Awakening the Cancerous Cells

I posted the article “Attack on the Cancerous Cell” on Thursday. I hope that can provide some clues on how you can use the Elements of Numbers (EON) method to look at health conditions. This article is the follow-up.

I also mentioned

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element was not strong in your Birth chart or Personal Year charts.

Does that mean the tendency to “awake” the cancerous cells is low?

I mentioned most of the cancer diseases are caused by external environmental factors in my previous article. This means that you got to prevent external influences from “worsening” your health conditions if you want to live a healthier and happier lifestyle, the way you’d like it to be.

According to this article, research studies have found evidence linking smoking to the throat and stomach cancer. It was also reported that Australia may faces a huge rise in bowel cancer cases.

Then again, consuming too much alcoholic drinks may also cause liver cancer, according to this article. The good news is that researchers have recently found the gene that could linked you to alcohol consumption.

The search to find out why some lung cancers are more likely to spread has produced positive results. According to this article, scientist has discovered the gene clue to how the cancer was spread.

Besides smoking, we also need to be cautious of becoming “passive smokers” as the air or smoke we breathe may affect us as well. In this article, US researchers have found another gene clue to why some non-smokers develop lung cancer. It’s just not the adults but babies and children suffered too, according to this article.

I’m not surprised there were many medical breakthroughs announced this year. In fact, there’d be more medical breakthrough announced this year as mentioned in my Numerological Predictive Observations 2011 article.

On the other hand, I was hoping I was wrong in my analysis when I mentioned emerging new superbugs in 2011. When I read this article, it reinforced my predictive observations but I was not happy. Let’s all be positive and look forward to more medical breakthrough that can stop the virus from spreading further.

By the way, did you manage to take up health or medical insurance as I’ve suggested in previous articles?

If you’re still pondering, stop procrastinating now. The little money spent could benefit you should the extreme case happens. No one likes to be at the wrong place and wrong time. When an unfortunate event happened, reinforcing the positive thoughts in your mind may not work fully as you are still breathing in the infected air.

Ahhh-Choo! Excuse me. Thanks for excusing me… but have you protected yourself?

The statement that one in three (1/3) people will be affected by cancer at some stage on their life is frightening. No one wants to “awaken” the cancerous cells and let it spread around the bodies. It means you should take immediate health preventive measure now if you want to be in the other 2/3 group.

Now is the time you should ensure that you’re insured. Once you have done that, it’s time to review your eating and drinking habits, and your social lifestyle.

Make the positive changes while you still can. It’s never too late to start early.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun





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