Today (15 June) is a special day. One year ago on this special day, I launched this web site – www.ElementsOfNumbers.com.
I set up the web-blog to promote my “Print-On-Demand” book (published in USA) which was available from online stores like Amazon. Soon after, I had to self-publish my book here in Singapore due to requests from local users who prefer to buy my book at local bookstores. Now, my book is available for purchase worldwide.
Sincere thanks to all who have supported me by buying my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling”. I’m glad many of you found my book interesting and intriguing. The Elements of Numbers (EON) method provides an easier and affordable way to learn more about your personality, life history and future life path. It is now possible for you to take action to change your habits and perspective for a better, happier, and healthier life.
You have contributed to the success of this site, in your own unique ways. Your continual visits to this site have been a motivating and inspiring boost for me. It shows there are people who are keen to improve their lives through alternative life-changing methods.
I’m happy with the progress made on EON, the discoveries and the wonderful support from everyone. To mark the 1st anniversary of my “Elements of Numbers” web-blog site, here’re the goodies:
1) You can get the LITE version of the EON (Android) software now. Send me an email with your name, Android device model and country. I will let know you of the link to download the software. The software was developed for AndroidOS smartphone supporting 800×480 resolution (OS v2.1 or higher). You can help me by trying out the software if your device supports other resolutions. The software may not run well on Android tablets. Oh, iPhone and iPad versions are not available yet although I’m tempted to develop a version.
2) Many of you have seen the screenshots used in my recent Case Study articles. I took the screenshots from the registered version of my EON (Android) software. I will be using the software to explain the case studies at the workshop. And for the lucky ones, you may stand a chance to use the registered version on your Android smartphone.
3) I’m offering my book at a special price only at the EON Workshop. You can buy as many copies as you like on that day, whilst stocks last. However, as I could bring along limited copies, do send me an email to reserve your copy. This 1-day offer is valid for EON Workshop participants.
4) And for those staying in neighbouring countries, I have not ignored you. Soon, you will be able to order the book direct from me via PayPal (and at Singapore prices). For a start, the direct purchase is available to users staying in Malaysia (East and West), Brunei and Indonesia. I’ll be checking with the local postal agency on the shipping rates. Send me an email if you are keen to order the book from me directly.
5) I’m looking forward to share my findings at the EON WORKSHOP. Many of the findings were originally meant for Book 2 but I decided to share an ‘exclusive sneak preview’ on that day. You will also learn about new patterns, findings and analysis techniques.
6) To show my gratitude and appreciation, all participations need to pay SGD$169 for the workshop instead of S$196 for those who registered in June. As I need to prepare the classroom seating, do register early to avoid disappointment. If you want to gather more useful insights earlier than others, be at next week’s EON Workshop on 25 June 2011 (Saturday).
Thanks to all for the wonderful support. Together, we can evolve EON to a higher level!
Regards, Ron WZ Sun