Unfocused and Distracting Vibes
In early March 2012, I have posted an article “Muzzy State of the Mind” on Terry’s case. I’ve also explained the tendency signs and number pattern (2-3-5) that may have influenced a person’s mind.
Terry recently texted (SMS) me with the message, “Please advise on how one best learn to master Focusing ability. Thanks!”
I’ve been advising Terry to stay focused on his intentions. I wanted him to “begin with the end in mind”, a powerful phrase originated from Dr Stephen R. Covey.
The effects of 2-3-5 vibes in his chart had influenced Terry subconsciously and it created the muzzy, confused state of the mind in him. As a result, he became distracted and fickle-minded. Terry can consider doing regular meditation exercises to calm his thoughts and to learn to concentrate and focus on his inner-self purposes.
Somehow in Terry’s case, I felt there could be “another” tendency sign affecting his thoughts but I’m not sure where or how to find it. I felt the need to look at the “cause and effect” way from a new perspective to correlate the symptoms. His recent SMS message started me thinking again. I have may found the possible answer in my dream. Yes, I do receive “regular supply” of clues through my subconscious mind while I’m sleeping or daydreaming. And I’d usually noted down my “subconscious observations” when I woke up.
The effects of the 2-3-5 could have somehow influenced him from an outer subconscious part of his mind. I may have identified another pattern that may have influenced the inner unconscious part. It could explain the reasons for his frequent “unfocused” thoughts which are strong in recent years.
I normally don’t look at patterns outwardly as it’s more on identifying the direct actions. Participants at my previous EON Workshop sessions would know that I’d usually look at the elemental influences of the numbers to find out the underlying correlation that could trigger the action. Once I could identify the processes, I’d then link them to the numbers to form the primary patterns (including secondary patterns, if available) where many of you can easily identify with.
I quickly added two more slides to my presentation materials where I can explain my findings at the forthcoming 5th EON Workshop on 16 June 2012. I’ll use the first slide (see screenshot) to explain the elemental correlations leading to the unfocused state of mind. I’ll then use the second slide to show the number pattern that could affect a person’s concentrations and focuses from the Five Elements viewpoint.
Using this approach, workshop participants like you can understand the underlying principles why certain number patterns could result in certain characteristics or behaviors. You don’t have to rely on your memory to remember, for example, that 8-4-3 is about separations and divorce; and 5-7-3 is about lawsuits and bankruptcy that your trainer has taught you. You will discover more than number patterns at the workshop. You have to learn beyond personality profiling if you want to build up the confidence to profile others.
I look forward to share more findings at the 5th EON WORKSHOP session on 16 June 2012. You’ll get to learn useful and practicable techniques to identify the underlying signs that may affect a person’s health, wealth, career, luck, and success.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun