5-7-3 (and 7-5-3) vibes on Justin Bieber

Case Studies

A friend of mine James alerted me this morning to the latest online article about Justin Bieber. In the article, Justin was reported to be “arrested on drag-racing, driving under the influence and resisting arrest charges today (Jan 23) after allegedly speeding down a residential Miami Beach street in a yellow Lamborghini on an expired license.

EONSW_AvailJames plotted the Combined Day (CD) Chart using the EON (Android) software that I’d installed for him some time back. The 7-5-3 patterns showed up on the P-Q-R and S-T-U locations of his CD chart. Many PON and UCM trainers have always associated the 5-7-3 (and 7-5-3) patterns to bankruptcy should such patterns exists in person’s natal or Personal Year charts.

In the Elements of Numbers (EON) method, the eventual result can be different even though the person could have 5-7-3 (or 7-5-3) pattern in their Personal Year, Personal Month, Personal Day, or Combined Day charts. Often, the patterns suggest carelessness and about losing money; or legal or contractual issues or having problems with the law. The 7-5-3 pattern is also present in Justin’s Birth/natal chart (locations S-T-U). Could that be a sign suggesting a person who’s often careless or someone with possible legal entanglement or problems with the law?

CaseStudy_Justin_BieberThe presence of 5-7-3 (or 7-5-3) in a person’s chart does not always imply negative influences. From my research I noticed there are people with strong 5-7-3 (or 7-5-3) patterns in their birth charts. And chances are, these people could have careers related to the law, security, or legal enforcement. That’s why you’d have noticed some lawyers, judges, security guards, and bodyguards have such patterns in their charts even though their financial standings are robust and stable. There are people working as non-security careers like administrative clerks in police or security department.

You have to be cautious when the 5-7-3 (and 7-5-3) is present in your periodic charts. The chances of losing money through carelessness or misjudgement are high. It’s possible to reduce the negative influences through conscious awareness and taking preventive measures. For example, if you have the pattern in your natal chart, the influences are stronger – you need to read and understand the fine print in any legal contracts before signing on the dotted lines. If the patterns appear in a particular year, then you need to take precaution in the preceding year, current year, and the following year. These are necessary as the influencing vibes do not take effect only in a particular year.

As long as you take precautions while chasing your goals, there is nothing to worry about when the 5-7-3 (or 7-5-3) comes along. Money is just a by-product and can come and go any time. Even if Justin has abundance wealth today, the law (and health) will catch up with him eventually when the negative vibes are strong and present.

EON_mosaicDo not be too obsessed and paranoid when you noticed you have the 5-7-3 (or 7-5-3) in your natal chart or in your Personal Year chart. When you started to learn the EON method, you’d want to know how to identify the presence of the influencing negative vibes. And you can then know how to take preventive measures to ‘dilute’ the negative impact on you. As long as you have the enthusiasm to change and transform yourself positively, I believe you can do it.

Identifying the negative and positive vibes ahead of time is important for everyone. You can take preventive measures or corrective actions to lessen the negative influencing vibes from manifesting and affecting your health and other life aspects. At the same time, you can energise the positive vibes to improve yourself to enjoy healthier and happier life moments.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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