What’s with 8-8-7?

Case Studies

One user recently did a search for the 8-8-7 number patterns on this site. As there was a ‘nil’ result, I thought I might as post my observations in today’s article.

You can apply the basic Elements of Numbers (EON) theory to imagine the 8-8-7 as [Stress-Stress-Support]. People who similar patterns anywhere in their chart (Birth, Personal Year) are more likely to feel stressful, often making them feel more temperamental and hyperventilating unnecessary. When we associate the 8-8-7 as [FireFireWater], it means hot fiery fire on water – imagine a forest fire under heavy rain. The fire could smothered and turned smoky – distractions, blurred and ‘out of focus’. The fire could continue to burn regardless of the rain – like the tempest in a boiling teapot. The fire could slowly exhausts – the steaming effect causing temperaments, delusion, bipolar tendencies, hallucinations, and domestic violence at extreme cases.

CaseStudy_AdolfHitlerThere is a tendency to be critical, sharp tongue, narrow-minded, and running around (crazy busy) multitasking and quarrelling over trivial matters.

There is a tendency sign suggesting a self-sacrificing person working hard for the sake of others. They could exert the warmness, positive-spirited, great vigour and dynamism, busy running errands, and putting themselves to stressing moments unnecessary. At extreme cases, there is an urge to escape from reality because of the cumulative stress, anger, and frustrations build-up within their inner-self and subconscious mind. For some people, the fiery fire could manifest the strong erotic urge and sensual needs.

With strong fire comes ‘heaty’ body – the urge to quench the thirst. Some people may resort to binge drinking, smoking, and taking drugs. In Five Elements principles, Fire controls Metal. This means likelihood to have skin-related problems, immune and respiratory conditions, and unnecessary worries. At extreme cases, there are signs suggesting mental disorder, madness, emotional, and suicidal.

There are tendency signs suggesting a person who often acts with materialistic-driven or power-hungry ideals. The compelling force to motivate the person to achieve their targets, and/or carry out their plans relentlessly.

I’ve identified the traits based on the number pattern 8-8-7. It does not imply the person would display all mentioned traits. Often, there could be slight or strong tendency signs on those traits I’ve mentioned earlier. It all depends on a person’s family upbringing, social lifestyle, and the environment they’re in.

Knowing number patterns and identifying basic traits is easy and straightforward once you understood the underlying fundamentals. You can start learning them by reading up the few hundreds of articles I’ve posted on this site for a start. You can also identify the 8-8-7 pattern from the ‘Relationship / Compatibility chart’ if you’re using the FEON+ software. It means strong tendency to display similar 8-8-7 traits when they are together.

numerology2015Just a sidenote – I’m planning to restart my EON/FEN classes and workshops soon. I’ve cancelled a Penang class almost a year ago and apologise again to those staying in Penang. To make up for it (good things come to those who wait?), I’m planning to give a free talk on ‘Numerology 2015: Your Personal Outlook’ in Penang sometime next month in mid-December. And while I’m there, I’m scheduling to conduct a customised FEN (Five Elements Numerology) course. These should appeal to students who’ve completed PON modules or similar courses conducted by other organisations in Malaysia.

I’ve not confirmed the schedules yet. Let me know if you’re keen to attend the free talk or FEN course in Penang, Malaysia. You can email me at SunTzu2796@gmail.com to preregister or for more queries.


Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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