Fundamental and Technical Analysis
Many GIANTS (blue-chip stocks) have fallen in recent days. Fearful investors have activated the SELLING button and panicky selling their shares to cut losses. Greedy opportunists are on BUYING spree storing up extra undervalued stocks and positioning their portfolios for positive cyclic rebound. Suddenly traders and investors are either cautious or anxious about their next investment plans. Some experts claimed there is impending stock market clash this year in 2015, just like the last one happened in 2008. Some other experts are saying financial clash would happen in 2016 or 2017.
Yes, the tendency signs are all there and present in the periodic vibes (influencing yearly vibes of 2016 and 2017 that might affect 2015 too) from EON perspectives. That includes the oil crisis, gold, property and extreme stock market volatility this year. Click this link to read my 2015 forecast article posted on 1st January 2015.
Traders and investors are forever debating their preferred method for stock profiling. Some used Fundamental Analysis (FA) while others use Technical Analysis (TA) to plan their moves, to buy, sell, wait, or just hold on to current portfolio. With current market volatility, FA and TA principles might not be the desired method to help traders forecast the next trend wave. With short selling and emerging market confusion, it’s difficult to firm up longer uptrend or downtrend signals. There is a third group of traders and investors who combines all three methods – FA, TA, and PA (Personal Analysis). They hope to identify the ‘optimism level’ of stocks they’re profiling. PA includes factoring investor psychology, political economy, and external influences.
There is much similarity in certain financial investment principles to the way we profile a person. Users attending external course like PON or UCM learned the TA method of profiling. They’re trained to look at the technical side of a person’s chart. They looked at number patterns (like 9-6-6, 2-7-9, 4-8-3, 7-7-5, and so on) to discover the character strengths and traits of a person. Every pattern is clear, present, and forged in stereotyped black-and-white traits. For example, they concluded a female person who has 2-7-9 (or 7-2-9) is a confirmed mistress. Uh?
Students attending my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) Level 1 (Basic) course will learn the TA and FA methods. They’re trained to look at the fundamental underlying principles of a person’s chart, using various visualisation techniques I’ve shared with them. Students who attended my FEN Level 2 (Advanced) course learned TA, FA, and PA method of profiling. They learned about the influencing vibes coming from the day, month, year, seasonal, and even the century that can affect a person’s mood, behaviour, thinking, and actions.
One student posted on the EON Inspire‘s Kakao chat group (for students only) the chart of Michelle, her friend whom she was trying to analyse. From TA perspective, Michelle has all the wonderful ‘wealthy and successful’ number patterns like 3-6-9, 6-9-6, 9-9-, and 6-3-9. When I saw the chart, I replied, “Visualisation: I see barren ground like those in Mexico desert, with electrical power tower lines and desert grass around.” I then added, “Career vibes strong with office politicking. Money is strong but it might not be the happy type” and “woman must not be bossy, forceful, and cold. Put aside the perfectionist insistence that everything must be done her way. Next year double effect – double whammy if she’s not careful.” I will post the case study article on Michelle’s chart another day.
I usually applied all three methods (TA + FA + PA) in my observations and analysis. You can learn how to apply these methods as well when you attend my FEN classes.
Can we then apply the EON/FEN techniques for stock investment profiling? Yes, why not?
Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the FEN/NSQ course/preview now! | |
FEN/NSQ Course Preview + Live Case Study Analysis4 September 2015 (Fri) | |
NSQ PROFILING18 September 2015 (Fri) | |
Meanwhile, the next FEN/NSQ Course Preview cum Live Case Study Analysis session is on 4th September 2015 (Friday). I’ll share extra number patterns (TA), case study on person’s career, wealth, and other traits (FA) and how the periodic vibes could influence a person’s outward actions (PA).
Register now if you’ve not already done as we’ve limited seats.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun