Early Double Effect on Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán
According to this Yahoo online article, Mexican mobster Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán was convicted on Tuesday (12 Feb 2019) “of crimes spanning a quarter-century in a trial that laid bare his lavish lifestyle and penchant for extreme violence as the head of one of the world’s most powerful gangs.”
There are so many ways to profile a chart. In most cases, it depends on what life aspects you are concentrating on, and applying existing skill sets to use relevant methods to identify potential correlated signs. It’s also easier to perform a case study on known events that happened by doing “reverse-engineering” correlations with the person’s EON charts.
There’re two components that I’d wish to highlight here in today’s articles – Double Effect, and Rhythmic Cycles, that I’ve shared with my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students in earlier FEN WORKSHOP classes. With this knowledge in hand, it’d be easier to gauge the potential activity or impact through the Rhythmic Cycle’s sine-wave pattern.
Joaquín is experiencing an early Double Effects (DE) vibes this year, instead of the actual DE Year in 2020. In a typical DE year, the positive and negative characteristics, behaviours, and activities of a person, is manifested twice. The person would tend to concentrate on their pursuits to achieve their targets, making dreams into realities, enhancing their career and reputations, and enriching their lifestyles through better wealth. The least priority that many people tend to ignore or put aside, is on their health, mental alertness, and holistic well being.
As the energies are transient and constantly in motion – due to time and space components – the influence or impact on a person having a DE Year, varies between different people. It doesn’t matter even when they have similar birth dates, or similar birth chart (numbers in locations I-X are identical, but with a different birth dates). This is primarily due to the beliefs, mindset, attitudes, and intellectual strength of the person, often contributed by their family upbringing, growing-up academic and social influence, country’s political and economic influences, and so on.
Furthermore, the DE vibes is not only present between 1st January to 31st December of the year. Instead, the DE impact could be felt in the late months of the former year, and early months of the forthcoming year. In a simple way, you should always be cautious of potential DE impact to you sooner. For instance, if you have a DE year in 2020, you might be influenced by the DE vibes any time between years 2019 to 2021.
Joaquín was convicted in 2019 – an early DE Year 2020 impact on him. Although I cannot share the extended applications of the Rhythmic Cycle here – it’s exclusively taught in my FEN class only to deserving students who supported me – we can always look at the chronological history of the events that happened before, like the 9-year or 18-year period.
According to the same Yahoo article page, Joaquín was captured in 1993. His sentence was “seen as a big win for the US, which failed to obtain the extradition of Escobar, the Colombian drug lord who was killed in a police operation in 1993.” In a typical 9-year cycle period, Joaquín is seen as confronting the DE effect on him, from his first arrest in 1993 (about 27 years ago).
Let’s check on the events that occurred on his previous DE-year charts, using this Wikipedia page as reference. In 2011 (9 years ago), he was “ranked the 10th most productive man in Mexico, and 1,140th in the world in 2011.” In 2001 (about 18 years ago), he escaped from prison – an early DE Year 2002 effect on him.
A Double Effect (DE) influenced us very nine years, based on the identical numbers in M-R locations of our Birth Chart and the Personal Year Chart. This means you can always check on the DE vibes that could potentially act upon or affect the health, career, or other life aspect in a 9-year, 18-year, 27-year, 36-year, etc., period cycle. For example, in the same Wikipedia page, it was quoted that the Mexican military raided the marijuana plantation in 1984 (about 36 years ago), and Joaquín then took over the drug-trafficking operations.
The Rhythmic Cycle concept is an interesting way to expand the 9-year Double Effect vibes. This implies, the ability for my FEN students, to plot a sine-wave chart and list down the events of activities done by the person whom they’re analysing; determine the conscious and unconscious influences; and identify the probable similar or opposite extreme effect that could affect the person in any particular year in near future. In short, what I’m implying is that you are currently receiving the outcome effect of the actions you did 9 or 18 years ago. And by understanding the biorhythm-like flow of the Rhythmic Cycle sine wave pattern, this means your actions today could influence or affect what you’ll be experiencing nine years later. It’s like plotting a visual life-path mapping showing the past-present of your actions, and similar wave flow of your future experiences.
The registration for the 7th FEN WORKSHOP is closed. I look forward to sharing more insights on the Rhythmic Cycle, DE impact, and many extended techniques, including the EFV flow. I might introduce a new EBM (Energy Behavioural Movement) method that empowered anyone to retrieve the potential behavioural actions of a person faced under different situations.
Of late, I have also received emails and WhatsApp messages from users residing in Malaysia, requesting for me to conduct similar FEN WORKSHOP in Malaysia. I’m ready, anytime (OK, availability subjected to my calendar schedule). Course syllabus and fees would be similar to the current FEN courses that I’ve conducted in Singapore, including free EON book (whilst stock last) and FEON+ software, training notes, and customised Excel worksheet. Plus the privilege of becoming a member of the FEN COMMUNITY WhatsApp chat group to continue the after-class profiling sharing and learning lessons with existing members. Now is the opportune time for you to take charge and improve your profiling knowledge. If you’d previously attended UCMHP, PON, Visiber, LifeQuest or other similar PON-style courses in Malaysia, and yet felt constrained by your limited knowledge, you can attend my FEN WORKSHOP class in Malaysia. You do not need to spend an extra cost on transportation (air tickets) and lodging (hotel) fees to come to Singapore.
I’m open to anyone who can help me organise the overseas classes. If you’re from Malaysia (or any other countries), and could assist me with the logistics part, please email me at SunTzu2796@gmail.com to discuss further.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun