Of Course on EON. Sure, Why Not?
Few words. Writer’s Block. Creative’s Juice starts. EON Course teaser…
“A Picture Paints a Thousand Words”
Ad space limited. Image couldn’t tell much.
So, here’s more statistical hints…
0.3% unScientific & Religious.
15% Unique & Thrilling. 33% Hot & Passion.
36% PON’s Vision on Numbers – 63% EON – 1% eons.
42% Research & Talk. 57% Breakthrough & Rewarding
66% Groom & Bloom. 69% Energise & Balance.
72% Knowledge & Influence. 77% Intuitive & Insights.
85% Adrenaline & Punch. 88% Pleasure and Anxiety.
99% Awe-inspiring & Aspiring.
96% Confirmed – 1% Chopped (Stamped) – 3% Signed.
100%: Reservation & Priority. Not for Public.
123% Assets & Life Skill.
[Confirm – Benefits – Succeed!]
100% FIRST CLASS. Not starting soon…
0.04% in 2010. 3.36% after 21 Dec 2012.
100% For intellectuals who can EMPOWER!
0% Recharging & Batteries included
I’m letting the “creative juice” flows out of my mind… transforming the new urgent vision I have to answer to the recent “call of duty” from many of you. The teaser’s just a conceptual plan as nothing’s been confirmed yet. It’s done just to please those who asked. Phew… it’s a heavy load off my mind. I can now continue with my EON research and posting more articles here.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun
99% Awe-inspiring & Success.
96% Confirmed – 1% Chopped (Stamped) – 3% Signed.