Brazil riding on FIFA 2013 vibes
I’m not a football fan and admit I have no interest watching the game even if it’s telecast ‘live’ on TV (my apologies to all football fans!). But I have a keen interest in knowing the winning teams as I’m fine-tuning my forecasting knowledge. If you’ve been following my tweets (, you’d probably know why.
On 17 June, I tweeted, “FIFA 2013 Vibes… ride on Brazil tides.”
I was observing the results of earlier matches leading to the semi-finals. I felt the positive vibes and it increases my confidence level. On 27 June, I tweeted again, “Signs of Brazil riding on FIFA 2013 vibes” hinting a high likelihood Brazil will ride on the FIFA vibes and win the game.
So did I win any money with my predictions? No, as I don’t gamble.
This time around, I used the Elements of Numbers (EON) method to predict the probable winner. I thought it’d be fun using EON since I’m focusing on strengthening the EON method. Previously, I’d use other Chinese divination methods like the “King Wen (Wen Wan) YiJing” and “Bazi ShengGua.” I’ve used another forecasting method that I’ve adapted by combining the YiJing and BaziShengGua into a unique method I termed “Bazi Oracle” and used it to predict the 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP. I then started to conduct the Bazi Oracle classes and share the techniques with the students. I stopped conducting the workshop some years back because of other priorities. I may reconsider conducting the Bazi Oracle course again should there be enough Bazi users keen to learn the divination method.
The adaptation approach became a habit for me to transform an existing method into a more practicable system for me to use it personally for analysis and forecasting. I used the same adaptation approach to extend the Power of Numbers (PON) method and enhanced it into the Elements of Numbers (EON) method.
Predicting the winning team for the FIFA CONFEDERATION CUP BRAZIL 2013 was easy and quick. OK, I was probably lucky as I could analyse the winning team using the EON Android software installed on my smartphone. I simply looked at the match date, 1st July 2013.
Sometimes, it takes more than just knowledge to forecast an event. I used the match day based on Singapore time (early Monday morning 5+am on 1st July 2013) when I made the forecast. Even though I realised later that the match was held on 30 June 2013 in Brazil, my instinct told me to stick to my original forecast. Intuition plays a part in forecasting. The tendency signs are on the Day Chart. Can you identify them?
If you’ve attended my previous EON WORKSHOP sessions, apply the forecasting or visualisation techniques I’ve shared to identify the signs. I’ll explain the forecast technique at the coming workshop session.
I’m excited and look forward to share my extended techniques with you at this weekend’s 8th EON WORKSHOP session.
See you at the workshop!
Regards, Ron WZ Sun