Hidden Patterns & Subconscious Traits
According to this Yahoo! Online site, researchers “developed a test believed to reveal newlyweds’ unconscious attitudes about their spouse, rather than what they tell other people or admit to themselves.”
On this Wikipedia page, unconscious “consists of the thoughts in the mind that occur automatically and are not available to introspection, and include thought processes, memory, affect, and motivation.”
Could we, at times, often say the wrong things to others unintentionally or acted in a wrong behaviour and regretted later? Could our conscious thoughts often conflicts with our unconscious or subconscious intents? I think so. That’s one reason I’ve always tell many close friends that although popular human behavioural profiling test containing Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) are good, it has its limit. It needs the person to select the suitable answer based on their conscious views on themselves. And that’s where the problem lies – many people, including myself, would chose the answer which I think “I am like that” from a conscious perspectives. The perceived thoughts… Yes, there could be certain truth (conscious state) when the person selects an answer suggesting he has certain traits (like ability to manage stress well). More often than not, their subconscious or unconscious attitudes influencing their outward attitudes and behaviours may overrule their conscious thoughts.
Having said (or wrote) that, it doesn’t mean MCQ-based human behaviour and character profiling methods are no good. On the contrary, they’re good for many reasons. They provide a general survey of the person based on unique classification on different key aspects. Professionals used it to identify characteristics of a person. Many multinational corporations have relied on these profiling tests to check for candidate’s aptness for job matching.
Are we able to identify the unconscious or subconscious thoughts of a person without consulting psychiatrists or counsellors? Are we able to do a quick analysis (with reasonably accurate findings) from a person without spending too much time?
I’ve spend the past few years focusing on my research on the Elements of Numbers (EON) methods, and have discovered many interesting findings along the way.
Yes, there are quick ways to identify the subconscious traits of a person using the EON method. Just search for the ‘hidden patterns’ in the chart. For example, if you find the ‘hidden pattern’ in the birth chart, you can identify the subconscious traits of a person and their subliminal behaviours. When you extend your observations by checking on the ‘hidden patterns’ present in the Personal Year chart, you can identify the person’s subliminal thoughts and actions that year. And no one’s stopping you if you want to check further on the subliminal signs in the Personal Month and Personal Day charts.
I’ve shared the ‘quick and easy’ method to identify the ‘hidden patterns’ on a chart at past EON workshop sessions. I’ve explained the underlying reasons number patterns like (1-2-3 and 2-3-1), (2-7-9 and 7-2-9), (5-4-9 and 4-5-9) and (9-6-6 and 6-9-6) are different. And I’ve shared how students can analyse the ‘hidden patterns’ to unravel the subconscious thoughts of a person.
I noticed some users searched for two number patterns (257 and 145) on this site within the past week. Let’s look at them from conscious and subconscious levels. From basic analysis, the 2-5-7 patterns imply [Talk-Stubborn-Supporters]. It implies this person could face challenging times in getting the support needed. Or others may be intentionally opposing this person’s views just to spite him or her. It could also imply there are people intentionally making ‘life difficult’ for this person just to test his/her endurance and control management skills. This person (with the 2-5-7 pattern) must always put themselves in other shoes first (begin with the end in mind) and takes creative pursuits to face the challenge. And if he/she can do that, they’ll gain the respect from others quickly.
The 1-4-5 [Alone-Plan-Obstacle] implies there could be frustrating and emotional moments.
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Don’t deny yourself the chance to learn the Elements of Numbers (EON) method. Many EON students have completed UCM/PON modules earlier. They were naturally sceptical about EON until they attended my workshop and proved their instinct and gut feelings right. They never regretted attending my workshop and are more knowledgeable and confident in profiling now.
I’m extending my invite here to all PON/UCM students who’ve completed the Mastery or Advanced Level modules. Move out of the PON/UCM paradigm. Start profiling others with a fresh perspective. It’s my 10th WORKSHOP session and you’ll discover there’s more to number patterns than just confirmed characteristics and traits.
Call McCoy at 8282-6593 or email me at SunTzu2796@gmail.com to register. You’ve paid so much to learn about PON/UCM. Now, you deserve to learn more.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun