Over 99% accuracy @Preview session
15 people took the time to register but 7 took the extra effort and commitment to attend my recent FEN/NSQ Preview session this week on 17/6 (Wednesday). Of course I’m disappointed, not because 8 people did not turn up, but these same 8 people had missed the opportunity to learn free techniques from me that day. When opportunities like this comes knocking on the door, grab it before it’s too late. I hope these 8 people and the many others who’d taken the time to register for previous sessions but couldn’t make it at last-minute to make it a point to come for my next preview session.
I told the participants we’re not driven by high commercial profits and have no plan to hold classes at ‘market rate’ pricing. Despite the fact the knowledge you stand to gain and techniques you’ll learn from me are worth more than the more expensive trainings conducted elsewhere.
The preview session was the second time I adopted the preview-cum-teaching presentation style. Besides explaining and showing sample slides of the FEN and NSQ courses, I’m also doing ‘live’ case study analysis. As the session progresses, I could sense increasing excitement especially when I did the ‘live’ profiling. I could see heads nodding agreeing when I highlighted specific traits (like intuitive, spiritual senses) from the participant’s birth dates. One male participant quickly told the class about my analysis and the tendency signs on his career. He even proudly admitted to my observation on his high “sex-tisfaction level” and readily revealed to the class about my over-99% accuracy. I then told the class the importance of learning the EON principles and applying the profiling knowledge is not about high profiling accuracy. Instead, anything that’s over 60% accuracy is good enough as people do change over time, whether consciously or unconsciously. Personally, I’m happy even if my analysis is around 42% correct. It tells me something about the case study subject person I’m analysing. The person might have changed his or her attitude and habits to live a better life. And enjoying better days ahead.
I also showed 2 sample slides to explain the MICE EFFECT vibes that might happen when a person has missing numbers or no missing numbers in their chart. Many successful people have missing numbers in their chart. The lack or absence of the missing number vibes creates a conscious void for these people to ‘wake up’ and relentlessly chase their goals. I explained the reasons behind the 5-4-9 (and 4-5-9) patterns that I have mentioned in recent articles, and why we should not quickly associated them as ‘womaniser‘ traits.
I showed sample slides on CENTURY vibes happened in the 18th, 19th, and 20th century. I explained how the century vibes could influence the global tendencies on people, innovations, and industries. I also showed the 2014 and 2015 yearly vibes and explained how I forecast the volcanic eruptions and money matters (money laundering, scandals, corruptions, and fraud) happening this year.
I told the 7 participants I will follow-up with their ‘live’ case studies and post the articles later. Yes, I will include Robin’s case study since he gave me the thumbs-up sign about my ‘over 99%” analysis on him, his potential high sensual desire, career, contentment, and other desires.
We have confirmed the dates for the FEN Level 1 (Basic), FEN Level 2 (Advanced), and NSQ Profiling classes. We are creating the EventBrite links where you can register early to take advantage of the ‘early bird’ discount.
Regards, Ron WZ Sun
Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the FEN/NSQ course now! | |
FEN Level 1 (Basic) – 4/7 and 11/7 (2 Saturdays) |
https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/five-elements-numerology-course-level-1-personality-profiling-by-ron-wz-sun-tickets-17464056463 |
FEN Level 2 (Advanced) – 1/8 and 15/8 (2 Saturdays) |
https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/five-elements-numerology-course-level-2-life-path-profiling-by-ron-wz-sun-tickets-15682052441 |
NSQ Profiling – 24/7 (Friday) |
https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/nine-square-chart-numerology-by-ron-wz-sun-tickets-16141296051 |