Analysing from Henry’s perspective…
It’s always refreshing to receive regular emails from users who have applied the Elements of Numbers (EON) principles to help them live a better life than before. Take the case of Henry who apart from sending me his analysis has been giving me moral support. I’m blessed to have people like him giving constant support and encouragement. Thanks Henry, you know you are …
Below are excerpts of an email correspondences Henry sent me some time back.
Henry: I have not only read through both your EON book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” and Dr Bernard Yeo’s book many times but BUY to give and recommend only your book so far to countless friends. Dr Yeo’s contents are more technical whereas yours have more cases studies besides you’ve most fascinating website.
Ron: Dr Bernard Yeo and I are friends. Both of us are still passionately sharing our profiling methods based on our own knowledge, experience, and perspective. Students who’d completed courses conducted by both of us would find there are unique differences in certain application fundamentals, and that helps them identify traits and characters from different perspectives. We have authored our own books. I felt the importance of using case studies to explain complex (or even simple theories but disguised as profound method by others) analogies in my book and the articles posted on my site. I know you’ll benefit when you start learning the Elements of Numbers (EON) method. As long as you take a step forward, whether it’s from reading the many articles I’ve posted here, my book, or attending my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) courses, you’re walking on the right path. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you. If you want a better tomorrow, act now. Yes, make the change today and not wait until the next day… for tomorrow will never come.
Henry: I learn things by copying my IDOL OF IDOLS – the late Bruce Lee – by incorporating psychology, body language (learning from police and detectives movies and dramas especially those from Hong Kong), tones of voice and sound, use of cooking ingredients, the ABCD skill of recognising potential “troublemakers” and so on. I find it mind-boggling as I keep coming across new ways of being able to relate the ‘Whys & Hows’ to people behaving in certain ways.
Ron: We do have our own idols. We hope to emulate their best behaviours and habits and hope we can make it a part of own transformed beliefs and habits. Some of us felt even more frustrated trying to emulate others and giving up hope midway. We have our own perceived beliefs developed through the years. Our formative upbringing and educational core values, the environmental we lives, the global and media influences, and our social lifestyle and dietary habits contributed to how we see, feel, think and behave today. Copying others might be a short ‘comic play’ fad for many people, just like market and social trends. While one person can interpret certain actions as ‘good or correct’ values, another person might find the acts as ‘bad, wrong, or unethical’ values. That is why we can start learning the ways to improve ourselves by watching what Henry mentioned – tones of voices, recognising people’s behaviours, body language for better communication; and selection of ingredients for healthier lifestyle living.
Henry: Take the case of the late Sir Christopher Lee. I believe there is a possibility his birth time could influence his flourishing ‘REEL and REAL LIFE’ comparing to the late Elizabeth Taylor who’s ‘reel life’ did flourish but not her ‘real life’. I found the answers in her Birth Profile. The role of Cleopatra was clearly “Taylor-made” for her with Part II of making the movie Anthony & Cleopatra having delayed for 2 years just to meet her schedule. However, in her real-life, she married 8 times (twice with Richard Burton) and divorced 8 times as well. I noted people born on the 27th day (of any month) could find their careers flourishing easily but their love lives might be unsteady. That’s my research findings. That is also why Andy Lau (DOB: 27.09.1961) ‘was told’ to keep his love life in low-profile when he became famous in his twenties.
Ron: I’m always amazed by Henry’s observations. He has his unique way of viewing and analysing, and the reasons for his conclusion. You can plot the EON charts for the persons Henry quoted. Do an internet search for their birth dates. Analyse and see if you can correlate to his findings. There is no ‘right or wrong’ answers in identifying the traits and personalities from the numbers and elements present in their charts. It’s up to a person’s knowledge and experience to adjust their ‘vision lens’ to profile a person in varying ways. They can zoom in on micro or macro level, or use telephoto or ultra-wide angle lens for broader analysis.
I’m blessed and happy Henry could share his findings with me, so I can share them with you too.
Have fun digesting!
Regards, Ron WZ Sun