An Eye for Colours


Mark Zuckerberg has it. Bill Clinton, Bing Crosby, Keanu Reeves, and Mark Twain have it. In fact, some of you might have it too. According to this CNBC online article, “one in twelve men and one in 200 women has some form of colour vision deficiency. There are different types of colourblindness but a common issue is distinguishing between red and green.” According to medical professionals, a less common form of colourblindness is the blue-yellow colour deficiency. And it is rare for colour-deficient people to see only in shades of grey.

CaseStudy_MarkZuckerbergI was curious after reading the article to find out why some people are more prone to having eye-related problems, including some form of colour vision deficiency. So I did what I’d usually do – search the Internet for celebrities suffering from certain health condition and save their birth dates to my FEON+ software.

Once again, I’m happy I could identify certain patterns quickly by plotting various charts from the FEON+ software. Sure, you can still plot the birth chart using traditional pen and paper as they do come handy at times. However, when you have to look at supplementary charts for better visibility, it could take a longer time to plot these extra charts manually. Why not maximise the use of technologies and smartphones to aid you in your profiling? When you factor all the charts displayed in the FEON+ software, you could take at least 10 minutes to plot them manually with the pen-and-paper method. It took me less than two seconds to plot and displayed the various coloured-coded charts on my phone. Yes, that’s fast. I have more time to explore, and it expedites my pattern identification process. And I’m glad I could identify charts of the person likely to experience frequent eye-related problems, like poor eyesight and eye infections. And when such pattern is present in the periodic charts, it could imply having temporary signs of red-eyes, eye infections, eye injuries, blood vessels bursting in the eyes, and so on.

I also noticed some peculiarities when some other specific elements and pattern are present in certain locations of a person’s chart – a likelihood the person might have higher risk of having some form of colour vision defects or colourblindness.

The Five ElementsAs quoted earlier, “there are different types of colourblindness but a common issue is distinguishing between red and green.” Does that mean we can search for numbers related to the Fire (like numbers 3 and 8) and Wood (like numbers 4 and 9) elements? Do we consider checking the numbers associated to Water (like numbers 2 and 7) and Earth/Metal (like numbers 5, 1, and 6) elements to determine if the person has blue-yellow colour deficiency? What about people who have no choice but to see only fifty shades of grey? Sure, you might find some clues checking the colours, but they are more often than not, inconclusive. You might end up being more confused.

Learn to profile the smart and productive way. If you have installed the FEON+ software on your AndroidOS smartphone, try plotting sample charts of celebrities having some form of colourblindness. See if you can identify common patterns in the charts. There is no hidden secret or master key to unravel the signs once you learn how to correlate the elements and numbers visually.  All you need to identify the sign is to practice – plot as many charts as you can. Use common-sense logic, reasonable colour sense (even if you can only see fifty shades of grey, or tend to see more in black and white), and correct observational skills.

If you don’t have the FEON+ software at all, don’t worry too much as there is hope – take a pen or pencil and manually plot the various charts on paper. It might be time-consuming and tedious, but it’s worth the effort and time. I do occasionally plot charts with pen and paper (on serviettes, in many cases) for quick, casual profiling. Anyway, try using colour pencils or pens to indicate the numbers with their respective element colours if you need to. It provides easier visual associations of the numbers to the Five Elements. Trust me, it’s not a joke. It helped me remember the colour associations. I did that when I started learning the Five Elements and associating them to the Bazi Chinese characters (Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches) during my first few Chinese Metaphysics classes. It comes handy too, if you are a visual or aesthetic person and have an eye for colours, and er… only if you do not suffer from colourblindness.

Now, let me briefly share some insights on how you can go about in improving your analysis, and perhaps, identify patterns related to certain health conditions you might be interested in. I often applied the visualisation techniques on my analysis, and have shared the steps to FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students who’d attended my previous classes. Learning the visualisation technique is useful and essential because it can help you understand the Five Elements principles and its elemental effects on your body. You can then narrow down the probable root cause behind such a deficiency and correlate the health conditions to the elements and numbers present in the person’s charts. When temporary health symptoms arose during a certain period, try analysing the periodic charts, like the Personal Year, Personal Month, or the Personal Day charts.

20151003_StocksTalkI’m aware many of you are waiting to attend my FEN classes. It’s been put on hold (for the next few months) as I have other urgent priorities taking up much of my weekend time, and I do apologise for not conducting any class so far this year. On hindsight, here’s the good news – although I couldn’t find a suitable time to conduct classes, I made use of the available time to further my EON research and continue to post articles so that you can learn something useful here. I have also discovered fresh clues on more health symptoms, including eye-related problems and colourblindness. I will share these new discoveries and extra techniques with you in class.

Meanwhile, do yourself a favour by practicing your profiling skills. And if you have the FEON+ software installed, you should do more case studies. Be more curious and find out why certain events or behaviours and actions happened. Read the articles I have posted – explore the subtle hints and study the various charts displayed on the screen. With regular practices and with an active analytical mind, your profiling observations made today would be better tomorrow than it was yesterday.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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