On UCMHP “Made in Heaven” pattern

Sometime last month, a friend texted me, “May I ask for your input on this chart?” and included a screenshot of the Relationship / Compatibility (R/C) Chart. Below is an edited extract of our conversation…

[Ron] For business partnership? What do you think of that? Could the person be truthful, faithful, and sincere?

[Susan] In love life. I see the missing elements like Fire and Earth, suggesting they lacked activities together? A lot of communication and affection, though. And it’s a very sensitive relationship with a lot of Wood elements.

[Ron] Sweet talks. The cake with loads of icing sugar…

[Susan] They broke up, and one of them is wondering whether he will come back.

[Ron] There could be other admirers around… like two-timer

[Susan] So, even with Combined Chart, the two-timing, playboy number still in effect?

[Ron] Root 2. Too many 2s around… social more important than being life partners. Yes, the 2s and 7-2-9 patterns. It could be both sides are not sincere or committed to each other.

[Susan] Besides, I’m looking back to Bernard’s notes – this form of pattern is meant to be concluded as a “Made in Heaven” combination.

[Ron] Do your own judgement…

[Susan] They broke up for six months now. Something is seriously amiss…

[Ron] Yes. As said, when both are together, their minds are floating elsewhere as well…

I was surprised when Susan told me about the “Made in Heaven” assumptive pattern made by her UCMHP trainer, Dr Bernard. My first observation of the chart was like, “Gosh, how can such a relationship be bonded strongly when the number 2 is found in locations N-O-Q?” We could associate a Root 2 person to be sociable, chatty, friendly, considerate, charming, expressive, and having reasonably good EQ. Even so, when there are the number 2 in N-Q locations and elsewhere in the chart, this could imply a scenario like when the person is actively involved in the relationship with a “loved one,” he/she could also be having another relationships with other partners too. Like I’ve mentioned to Susan, the potential making of a two-time, or in this example, multiple timers.

When there are multiple 2-7-9 and 7-2-9 patterns around in an R/C chart, it’s all about friends, acquaintances, and allies. Oh, one more thing… it could lead to “up close and personal” transgression behaviours. Nothing to create or invoke the passionate and fiery sexual and loving desire is present. It’s just like what Susan said – no (sincere and loving) activities together. It’s like, “You toyed with me, and I flirted with others, and we all flirted and enjoy ourselves” kind of situation. When there are too many 2s around, the tendencies of swaying towards the pessimistic sides tend to be blinded and firm, due to impulsive, overbearing, and naïve inclinations. We could link the negative tendency signs of number 2 with traits and behaviours like manipulative, thick skin, sensitive, demanding, deceitful, insecurity, and others. This further reinforced the demand for “Plan B” in case the “Plan A” relationship failed. Hence, the outcome of intertwined multiple relationships.

In basic Elements of Numbers (EON) theory, we could associate the number 6 as money and household (home) responsibility. We could interpret the 4-2-6 pattern as [Making Plans – as Partners – To increase wealth to build a Home].

Many of my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students have earlier attended UCMHP, Visiber, LifeQuest, and courses conducted by other trainers. Oftentimes, many of them asked basic questions about certain assumptive traits they’ve learned from these trainers. For me, I’d elaborate further using “live” study charts – explaining what they’ve learned elsewhere is just one item (like a piece to the puzzle), they should look at other items in their profiling checklist before coming to a conclusion. Hmm… it seems like these external trainers only focus on the one-time paid, in-class lessons, and could not commit the time to provide after-class clarifications from their students.  

In basic EON method, we could associate the 9-2-2-4-2-6 patterns as [Success – Talk -Talk- Plan – Talk – Money]. Have you noticed I’ve mentioned three “Talk”? Could that imply it’s only all about talking and talking, and yet talking again, about their visions and making plans to start a family and build a lovely home together?

In the Five Elements principles and commonly known to those with learned Bazi, here’s one idiom literally translated – “Too much Water, Wood will Float.” An easier way to interpret this is to look at how the timber logging experts did previously – transport the chopped tree trunks through the river or canals. In short, Wood (number 4, Plan) will float (not solidify, no action) when there are too much talking (number 2) around. It created a NATO (No Action, Talk Only) effect.

I included some number patterns in my training notes to my FEN students in class, and I explained its purpose. Students can quickly identify certain basic characteristics present in a chart. I also forewarned students that they should not be applied naively without considering other numbers present in a chart. Whether assumed traits, like 2-7-9 or 7-2-9, could lead to flirtatious behaviours, sexual transgressions, and sensual-like activities, is inconclusive, until you looked into the surrounding numbers, which could eventually influence the person’s behaviours.

Possibly, the UCMHP mentor did not reiterate further to his students on the “made in heaven(four sets of 2-7 or 7-2), and other number patterns, and taught them how they could identify it from unbiased perspectives. On the other hand, it could be the individual student themselves who – due to the lack of understanding on student on trainer – hastily concluded that when such pattern exists, the individual is assumed to behave as such.

Be pragmatic and logical.  Let’s not stereotype others hastily as much as we dislike others to stereotype us inconclusively. Be open-minded and learn to see the essence of the numbers, including the elements and its influences. Remember this – “The Birth Chart is NOT the Personality.” This means a person’s behaviour is a temporary state of the mind, and their responses can change at different times. We should not hastily assume such behaviours, be they good or bad, to be their personality. A person’s behaviour is often influenced over time – family upbringing, living environment, academic status, social lifestyle, and financial needs.

Understanding there are multiple sides to a behaviour, and the person could react or response to situations varyingly at different times. While the R/C chart could be a “made in heaven(based on UCMHP assumptive pattern) for one couple, it might not be similar for others. As long as both couples are dedicated, truthful, loyal, and communicate with each other; made sacrifices and adapt unreservedly, anything can happen.

As we‘re aware, compatible couples do end up having divorces. And we know too, that many incompatible couples lived happily together, as lifelong loving partners until “death did them part.”

Happy learning… and profile the rationale way.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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