Category: Elements

The Double-Effect Impact on You

  I introduced the techniques for identifying the impact, influence, and consequences of Double-Effect (DE) vibes, leading to “Double Blessing” and “Double Whammy” outcomes. I was able to do this because of my understanding...


Blueprint of Your Self

  The butterfly’s lifecycle is a powerful and relatable metaphor for human transformation, symbolising beauty, resilience, and the potential for profound change and growth. The butterfly undergoes a clear and remarkable transformation from caterpillar...


About EON and Colours

Somebody posted a search for “colours” recently, and I thought it could come handy to discuss about colours from the Elements of Numbers (EON) perspectives. There are basically five individual colours when we applied...


What Your Birth Date Says About You

There is one unique technique that sets my EON method different from the other trainers teaching methods like Power of Numbers (PON), Universal Character Method of Human Profiling (UCMHP), and few others. I included...


Too many 5

What are the probable impact or tendency signs when a person has too many 5s in their chart? Today, I’m following up with my previous article, “Similar (almost) Charts, Varying Outcomes“. I noted someone...


Finding the right Career elements

Some time back, Charles, a student of mine asked, “Which career element would you consider for someone working as a press attaché assistant, data mining assistant, and as Mission to the UN?” My immediate...


Different systems, different elements and numbers

I’ve just conducted the first FIVE ELEMENTS NUMEROLOGY (FEN): BASIC LEVEL course last week on 1st and 2nd March 2014, and it was a great learning experience for all students in class. I’ll discuss...

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