Azarenka collapses on court in U.S. Open heat

Victoria Azarenka collapsed on court and was taken away in a wheelchair in the searing heat at the U.S. Open on Wednesday 1 Sep 2010. Click here for more details.

From Azarenka’s birth chart, strong Water element is present in her chart. This also strengthens the Wood, which in turn may influence the Fire too.

Looking at her PY2010, Fire is enhanced and may affect the Metal. When Water is strong, it may exhaust the Metal. When Wood is strong, it may have a “repulsive effect” on Metal as well. It seems like the Metal element is affected in one way or another.

In addition, the universal Month number for September is 9 (Wood) which further strengthens Fire, and this could intensify the ‘burning sensation’ in her.

Somehow, there is a sudden increased of Wood and Fire energies in her. She could be feeling stressful and tired. Metal could be affected too. In the Five Elements theory, lungs and respiratory system are associated to Metal. Symptoms also include breathing difficulty.

Can we zoom in to find out more?

Yes, it is possible. I am still doing research in this area so my observations may not be conclusive yet. When I further plot her personal energies for 1 Sep 2010, her

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Who knows, maybe it’s all because she didn’t take proper food and balanced diet.

Anyway, what she needs now is to take a good rest and let the doctors examine her to find the cause to her sudden health condition.

As mentioned in my earlier articles, I based my analysis on the elements present in her birth chart, Personal Year chart, and universal vibes. Try to “open your analytical window” and use the “cause and effect” approach to focus on health issues. You can then look at your own birth chart and learn to take control of your health by taking necessary precautions.

It doesn’t matter if Azarenka’s condition was due to tiredness, food, stress or some other health conditions.  What’s important is for her to recover fast. So, let’s all wish her speedy recovery.

Regards, Ron


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