Charlie texted (SMS) me last week, asking which set of numbers is the luckiest one. He has gone to the temple early that morning to light a lamp for blessing. Each lamp comes with...
Yesterday (24 Sep 2011) was a day meant to be fun, exciting and memorable for the lucky ones in Singapore. In town, those present at the Singapore F1 – 2011 Formula 1 Night Race...
I was doing research on celebrities with certain health condition when Kurt Cobain’s name was one of those listed. According to this Wikipedia page, “Cobain was found dead at his home, the victim of...
It’s a volatile financial market out there. The financial legislators could do more to stabilise the current economic uncertainty. It’s causing a domino effect on the financial economies of other countries, with the impending...
You can use Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) to identify marriage issues like whether the marriage is perfect, when is a good period to marry, are the couple compatible, whether there are any 3rd-party...
Michelle is from Paris and bought my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” from Amazon early last year. She’s learning the Elements of Numbers (EON) techniques to complement her Feng Shui...
Katherine asked if she plotted the Time of Birth chart of a person, would she be able to identify more tendency traits? Yes, I have mentioned in my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and...
When scientists predicted certain events based on their fact findings, do we consider their discoveries as superstitions, predictions, or forecast? When astronomers predicted certain asteroids will hit Earth soon, do we hastily rebut their...