Fighting One’s Stake Aggressively on 5-1-6
Both Apple and Samsung are innovative companies. There’s no right or wrong in the copyright, infringement, and patent litigation claims made by both companies. These unnecessary courtroom battles are making the lawyers and news media houses happy, with people interpreting the sections of the Patent law and enforcing those terms favouring them. The “vision-altered” opinion of the individuals, the jury, the lawyers, and the judge decides the winners and losers based on their legal interpretations and experiences.
It’s similar to the way we profile the same person differently based on our own experiences and knowledge. As you progress your understanding of the Elements of Numbers (EON) method, you’d know people do have different personality, characteristics, and traits even if they’re born on the same day.
Both companies do have their own interpretations of the “Blue Ocean Strategy”, executing them into company’s mission statement well and positively. But when greed gets into the mind and manifested the negative energies around, the community spirit ripples across the blue ocean and changed the way we think, live, and work. The hunger for power and market dominance quickly blinded the true sporting behaviour of “playing fair” on the competition field, turning them into separate “love” or “hate” camps and unknowingly stepping into the red oceans. Could it be what we’ve seen or heard are pervasive gorilla marketing techniques intentionally created by these companies to boost product awareness?
Putting these conspiracy theories aside, I began to be curious about Apple’s recent attitude and actions. I then plotted the EON chart with the EON Software installed on my smartphone. When I saw the chart, I smiled as I could see likenesses in the traits and tendency signs many people have associated the company with.
Today’s article is different as I want to share an observation here. You can use the Elements of Numbers (EON) method to profile a company or organisation, just like the way you profile a person and identified the tendency traits.
No, it’s not a late April Fools’ Day article you’re reading now. According to this Wikipedia page, Apple was established on April Fools’ Day in 1976. Let’s get serious and start exploring the company’s profiling map. Get a copy of my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling” if you’ve not already done so as I’d be making references on the traits and patterns described in the book. And since I’ll be showing you how to identify the tendency signs of Apple Inc from a research standpoint, I’d suggest you read my disclaimer first elsewhere on this site and in my book.
When I first saw the chart, there nothing more to say about the tendency traits of Apple. You can check out my book on tendency traits of multiple sets of 1, double 5s, transforming 5 in 5-1-6, and multiple 6s. I’d encouraged you to check out my earlier articles on similar patterns on this site too. Hopefully, you can identify likenesses of the traits.
The following phrase came to mind while writing this article – “I planned and fight to protect my leadership stake aggressively.” Correlate that phrase to the patterns 1-4-5-1-6-3 shown on the chart. The two sets of 5-1-6 [Stubborn-Leader-Money] suggest tendency signs of a stubborn, domineering, and materialistic leadership. As long as there are customers, there is no right or wrong way to do business. Let’s face it – a company has every right to protect their patents and shareholders.
Apple’s dominating and increasing presence this year is not coincidental because of the manifestation of energies present, including the Rhythmic Cycles and the “Double Effect” vibes. Could the soon-to-be-released iPhone 5, iMacs, and rumoured iPad Mini in the coming weeks and months be a “Double Blessing” for Apple? Or could Apple be experiencing the “Double Whammy” because of over-promising features with under delivered functionalities? The positive signs of 6 (money) are strong and present, and so are the negative traits manifesting the greed and arrogance.
The company has to put aside the stubborn attitude and spend more time improving and promoting innovative products. There are signs of increasing customers getting frustrated and stressed up by the product’s delivery, quality, and promises next year (2013). The company needs to revisit their initial “Blue Ocean” strategies and focus on creating better products instead of wasting resources on patent litigations. There are tendency signs suggesting unnecessary tension in 2014 and the months leading to 2015. It could be a “turmoil” year with tensions and strains; and possible management changes – a result of “unplanned” departure of someone or cancellation of product.
That’s all about the basic tendency traits. Start profiling other companies and increase your EON knowledge.
At my coming EON Workshop on 29 September 2012 (end of this month), I’ll teach you how to identify more tendency traits, hidden patterns, and explain the influence of the Rhythmic Cycle effects on a person or company. Please register with McCoy early at 8356-0179 to enjoy the early-bird discount!
Until then, enjoy your EON exploration…
Regards, Ron WZ Sun