Finding suitable boyfriend

Case Studies

Kristie attended my FEN/NSQ preview and Case Study session last Friday 13th March and posted the question, “Will I find a suitable guy this year? What can I do to enhance meeting the suitable guy?

GOOD_RELATIONSEvery woman hope to have their dream guy and the preferred personalities and characters so they can live their lives together as happy, married couples. At the same time, every man wants their ideal woman to be of certain personalities and characters so they can enjoy a fruitful, married relationship forever.

No one is perfect. Besides the gorgeous looking face and pleasant outward appearance, we must also look at the inner personality of a person. To do that may take time and effort. Some people are great at disgusting their true self for a long time while others quickly show off their “true colours” almost immediately once the other party has accepted their loving relationship.

CaseStudy_KathieKristie’s root 7 implies the frequent thoughts and needs for social expansion. The 6-1-7 pattern is like the [Home-Leader-Support] which means she yearns to set up a home, a family with a loved ones, and someone who can help raise the family together. When we look at the same pattern from different perspectives, we could associate the 6-1-7 pattern to different meanings, including these – [Financial-Alone-Support], [Home-Ego/Pride-Support], and [Security-Confidence-Support]. Only Kristie will know what’s in her mind, and what she needs to do to start a loving relationship with the man she likes.

The number 5 (in H4 location) implies a stubborn, intolerable, and rigid person at extreme end, although once relax, they could be forthcoming, helpful, with down-to-earth approachable behaviours. Kristie has to focus on the positive strengths instead of unconsciously manifesting her negative traits. The obstacles she’s facing today is just a test for her to take action. When she dare take the risks, she’s treating the obstacles as challenges and making them as tomorrow’s opportunities. That’d be ideal as she can then control and manage the situations well, and it could increase her positive energies.

GOOD_RELATIONS_2The 8-4-3 shows that Kristie might face frequent disagreement with others, probably caused by different life perspectives or opinions and that caused her to become temperamental easily. The frustrations could be with her working colleagues, family members, relatives, or anyone else. This means she has to learn to control and manage her emotions and tempers well. She needs to relax, stay calm, and put aside the perfectionist thoughts. Yes, she must strive to reduce her OCD-like (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) habits – it’s creating unnecessary tension and undue stress on her. Others may avoid her because of the negative vibes she unknowingly manifested. She must understand that other people are not perfect, just like her. It’d be great if she remembers to accept others as they are – recognises and accept their faults but focus and embrace their positive traits.

EXTEND1There are tendency signs present in her PY2015 chart suggesting strong ‘male’ energies coming ‘into’ her life. Perhaps she may already know the man or uncertain if he’s the One. On the other hand, the man might be eyeing her and wants to know her better except that she didn’t gave him the opportunity. This means Kristie has to do a makeover – not cosmetic changes but inner character and mindset change – if she wants to flow with the tide and get to know someone who could be her boyfriend. When you exert positive vibes, the energies can influence others. This means Kristie must learn to treat herself better first. It’s time she plan and act. Start social networking and get to know more people including the female friends. Who knows they may introduce male friends to her. Let go past resentment of any past failed relationships.  Just let nature takes it course and enjoy the companionship together. When two people could tolerate each other’s faults and focus on the positive attributes instead, they’re creating the opportunities to enjoy living their lives together for a long time.

The man could be a foreigner or his family could have originated from overseas, or he could be working in Singapore on employment pass. Or he could be someone she might meet while travelling overseas whether for social or business trips. Kristie should accept others as they are much as she hope they could accept her as she is. It takes two hands to clap, and two people with common values and interests to come together.

NSQ_KristieFrom NSQ perspective, there is a certain lack of expression and communicative traits in her. The probable self-centric and egoistic traits are strong and it could invoke fear and tension among her friends. She lacks the determination and fear challenges. She lacks the willpower and resilience to chase her dreams. She has to ‘wake up’ to reality and start her life anew. This year, there is hope, and she might have already felt the determination to change and transform her dreams into reality.

Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the FEN course now!

FEN Level 1 (Basic) course – 21/3 and 28/3

FEN Level 2 (Advanced) course – 9/5 and 16/5

EON_AnswersSince Kristie has attended my preview talk, it means there is wish and urge in her to transform and change. But she don’t know how. I’d suggest Kristie attend my FEN and/or NSQ course to know herself better, and understand her strengths and weaknesses. I want to teach my students to build up their own profiling knowledge and I hope they can take a bold step ahead to change their lives for the better. I’m glad many people have approached me previously for analysis when they’re down and I’m glad to lend a helping hand to motivate them to become happier.  I’m happy when people read my case study articles or attended my courses and then told me they have change positively. I’m happy not because I could motivate them. I’m happy because these people could dare to take charge and transform their lives towards the positive paths ahead.

Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the NSQ Profiling Course now!

NSQ Profiling Course (18th April 2015)

I hope Kristie could learn to adapt and make changes to her self-beliefs, behaviours, and habits. And manifest more positive energies along the way. The yearly energies are strong. Grab when the opportunities come. Who knows, she might find a boyfriend by end this year. He might not be her dream man in shining armour. But she knows he is the man who loves her as much as she loves him.

Let’s wish Kristie better times ahead, and soon be with the man she likes.


Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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