FEN/NSQ Preview + Case Study Analysis (June 2015)
Good news. My next FEN/NSQ Course preview is on 17 June 2015 (Wednesday). As usual, I’ll be introducing the course outlines for both FEN Basic and FEN Advanced modules. I’ll also share sample extended EON techniques (currently taught in my FEN classes). Yes, as in my previous preview session, I’ll be doing ‘live’ case study profiling analysis on the birthdates provided by you. It’s not pre-arranged analysis so you get to learn ‘on-the-fly’ how I profile a person’s chart.
FEN LEVEL 1 (BASIC) – Get ready to transform your profiling skills. I’ll teach you the visualisation steps to understand the Elements of Numbers (EON) fundamental principles. Learn to apply the visualisation technique to understand key and extended traits associated to the numbers. Learn to understand the substance for various traits in a person’s charts and apply the extended techniques for better personality profiling. Understand the numbers and its influencing vibes through the visualisation technique – an imagery experiential learning that makes EON profiling more practicable and exciting. The FEN Level 1 (Basic) module include techniques beyond PON/UCMHP Preview/Basic/Advanced modules. Come for the preview and know the EON differences.
FEN LEVEL 2 (ADVANCED) – Strengthen your human behavioural profiling skills towards life path analysis. It’s an expanded learning module for those who’d completed Advanced or Mastery Level classes on PON, UCMHP or similar PON method conducted by other organisations. These days, I understand many PON/UCMHP trainers included some EON principles into their costly teachings. Get to learn the EON principles first-hand from me personally. I’ll show sample slides and explain some techniques at the preview session, including the visual difference when a person has missing numbers or no missing numbers on their charts.
The Enneagram method needs the subject person to answer a list of MCQ (multiple-choice questions) before the profiler compiled the answers and analysed the person. MCQ-type of questions can be subjective as the person answering the questions may not reflect their true actions or behaviours. The enneagram analysis is based on the person’s factual or exaggerated answers to their own behaviours and actions. Many people recognises enneagram profiling needs regular reviews and is time-consuming as people’s mind and self-contemplation changes often.Over the years, I’ve added basic Enneagram principles (without needing the subject person to do a MCQ exercise) to EON because of its fundamental likeness. I’ve also posted many articles over the years that incorporated the enneagram profiling steps. As there are much similarities between EON and Enneagram practicable principles, I’ll show how you can understand a person’s behaviour and self-image personalities quickly through the EON method. Minus the enneagram wings… and the MCQs.
NSQ PROFILING. This is a new complementary profiling method I’m conducting for the first time. I’ll teach you the key techniques essential to understanding the nine-square chart profiling and the extended techniques I’ve developed to strengthen the basic system. That’s why I’m happy to say that NSQ Profiling is more than the nine-square profiling known in Western countries. Come down for the preview and find out how I analyse a person’s through NSQ Profiling and identify their Character Strength signals. Special course fee to participants who register on the preview session.
Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the FREE FEN/NSQ Profiling Preview session now! | |
FEN/NSQ Preview + Case Study Profiling Analysis, 17 June 2015 (Wednesday) |
https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/numerology-and-nsq-preview-class-tickets-17122471774 |
I’ll not just talk about FEN/NSQ courses at the preview session. I want your time and commitment to attend the preview to be a well-deserving experience. I’ll do case study profiling session as well. Get to know how I analyse a person’s chart (it can be your birth chart or someone else) from EON perspectives. Yes, ‘live’ case study analysis.
Mark your calendar now and I’ll see you on 17th June 2015 (Wednesday).
Regards, Ron WZ Sun