Day 1 of July FEN Level 1 (Basic) course


Saturday 4th July was an eventful day for the students who attended the FEN Level 1 (Basic) course. All 5 students who’d registered turned up despite the heavy downpour in the early morning. There’s something about them that many people wanted but hesitated. It’s all about their personality, character, and life purpose. It’s about their commitment and attitude to learn how to apply the Elements of Numbers (EON) method to improve their personal character and lifestyle. I know they will eventually apply the lessons learned in class to help others as well.

The atmosphere (and yes, including the cool air from the classroom’s aircon) was great as we started the class at a new location in Waterloo Centre.

I’d started with the fundamentals of the 9 numbers first with the keywords, and then slowly progressively moved on to the symbolic representations. As I showed slides on the number pairs, from 1-1 to 9-9, I also took the opportunity to share my observations on the potential differences of the similar number in the number pair set. For example, I mentioned even the similar numbers (like 5-5) in the number pairs might have “same same but different” tendency traits in my recent article “Beyond Number Pairs”. And I told the class the reason behind the differences. This means that a 5-5 pattern (in locations M-N) can have varying effects. The 5 (in location M) might not have similar tendencies than the 5 (in location N) – these could affect the influencing vibes on the resultant number (in location O). I also explained briefly the differences when a person has missing or no missing numbers, using analogies.

This coming Saturday (11 July) will be Day 2 lesson. I’ll show the students more compelling slides that visually explain my observations. Visual observation is a great experiential learning technique. You should inculcate it as a habit to build up your profiling knowledge. The visual information stays with you for a longer time than just remembering number patterns by heart.

It’s boring to have a one-way trainer-student learning session. That was why I started telling the students they’re free to interrupt any time during the lesson to ask FEN-related profiling questions. Of course those who’d attended my preview sessions would know – I’ve always encouraged participation and interactive learning session. Case study analysis are done on-the-spot to provide clarity on topics discussed.

It’s not only the students having a rewarding time learning. In fact, I enjoyed their observations from fresh perspectives. For example, during the Relationship case study, we’re analysing the relationships between 3 people involved in recent court cases. They also analysed the relationships of two overseas politicians. Once again, the FEON+ software comes handy to enable me to turn on or off a person’s chart in the Relationship Compatibility screen. You can check the compatibility charts of up to 4 people at one time.

One student had completed the Mastery module conducted by another organisation. I noticed he has been busy writing down what I’ve shared in class. That’s not surprising as many students have remarked they learned more practical profiling methods and visual techniques than what they’d learned from other trainers. I liked students asking questions. That’s important as I don’t prepare training scripts to read from. I have minimal presentation notes on my Powerpoint slides as everything I said comes straight from the mind. Repeated students would recognises every lesson is like a new class to them – there’d be fresh observations and new techniques to pick up in class.

I’m looking forward to share more techniques to the 5 students this coming Saturday. They’ve gone through Day 1’s foundational lessons. They will learn the visualisation technique in understanding a person’s character  and personalities in Day 2. By the end of the lesson, they should have no issue identifying tendency traits in a person’s chart for easier personality profiling.

Day 2 would be an exciting session too. Each student wrote a birthdate as case study for homework, and the 5 students would have to share their personality profiling knowledge in class on Day 2. I want my students to inculcate the unrestrictive analytical mindset in human behavioural profiling. That’s one reason I’m committed to share many extended techniques in my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) class.

nsq_sampleI’ll be conducting the first lesson on NSQ PROFILING on 24 July 2005 (Friday). I dislike stretching lessons to a few days unless it’s necessary. I felt time is of essence to everyone – you and I. That’s why I’ll teach you the NSQ techniques in a one-evening Friday session. Besides the cost savings (in course fee), I will share new expanded techniques to identify a person’s character strengths and behavioural intelligence signals from the basic nine-square chart.

Click the EVENTBRITE link to register for the FEN/NSQ course now!

FEN Level 2 (Advanced) – 1/8 and 15/8 (2 Saturdays)

NSQ Profiling – 24/7 (Friday)

The NSQ PROFILING module can complement your current FEN/EON or PON/UCM profiling experience. It’s more than the usual nine-square chart for personality profiling. Try it out. And you’ll know how enjoyable, fun, and exciting to pick up a useful and complementary method to strengthen your profiling knowledge.

Seats are still available. Register now!

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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