Val Kilmer & cancerous sign


According to TheSun online article, Michael Douglas was quoted to have said, “Val Kilmer is battling cancer.” Few people knew the truth until Val Kilmer could admit publicly he has cancer since 2015.

Numbers & HealthI was applying the Elements of Numbers (EON) principles to identify health signs many years ago. One of the earlier discoveries I had was identifying the probable signs of a person having “cancerous” tendencies. In simple words, it means a person with certain elements or numbers, or a series of numbers of elements, in their charts – be they in the Birth or periodic charts – has a high risk of getting cancer. However, that does not tantamount to the assumption that the person WILL have cancer eventually. Everyone has the cancerous cells in our bodies; it’s just that they are benign until we manifested them greatly. The manifestations could be triggered in different forms, like through extreme emotions, tempers, and worries; consuming immoderate unhealthy food; and exposing our bodies in extreme temperatures or in unhealthy environment for a long period of time. In EON, when such “cancerous” tendencies are present in the chart, it is necessary for the person to have control over their emotions and tempers; and moderate their eating habits.

casestudy_val_kilmerI have shared with past FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students the steps to identify the cancerous signs in a person’s chart. The “cancer element” as I called them, is unlike the methods to identify a person’s health symptoms. Val Kilmer has the cancer element present in his chart. And there are tendencies that the cancerous symptom might have been manifested strongly in 2014. There are multiple sets of number 3 (Fire element) present in his PY2014 chart, and we could associate these as sharp fiery vibes or ‘laser-like‘ effects piercing into his body.

Many people have battled with cancer, and many of them have survived because they don’t lose hope. There is a common trait among these survivors – their positive attitude towards better personal healthcare management, improved attitudes, and life-enriching perspectives. You don’t need to wait until cancer strikes, especially when you are among the “high-risk” group of people with cancerous tendencies. Even if you are not among the “high-risk” group, there’s nowhere for complacency and live like there is no tomorrow. You might manifest the cancerous cells unknowingly, and it might be too late when you finally get repeated “wake-up” reminders. Instead, identify your bad habits, unhealthy indulgence, and behaviours. Go for regular health checks and get yourself insured. Life is valuable.

Put aside the procrastination and change them now. Start doing something about your health today and experience a better and happier tomorrow.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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