Seasonal Influence: Birth Month

According to this Yahoo online article, the month you were born could affect your personality, based on some studies made during recent years. How true is this finding?  Can two persons born during different seasonal month have the same birth chart (i.e., numbers in locations I-J-K-L is identical)?

Let’s put aside the skeptics and disbelievers, including numerology trainers, who don’t focus much on the birth month as influencing factors in their course syllabus. In the Elements of Numbers (EON) principles, there are similarities with the findings than just the periodic or cyclic theories. Let’s explore further so that you can get another free lesson in today’s article.

First, I’m pleased to share another unique feature available in the FEON+ software – I included the periodic pillars and seasonal cycles as part of the software feature because of my understanding, knowledge, and experience when applying the various Chinese Metaphysics methods. If you have access to the FEON+ software, you’d noticed there are gradient-coloured shades on the certain month pillars on the “Personal Month Pillar” table chart. If you haven’t registered and installed the FEON+ software, you can always browse through previous articles and look for screenshots showing the Life Path chart (or the sample screenshot shown below.)

As you might have observed, the background for February month pillar is displayed with blue and green gradient shades. That is to coincide with the Winter (blue, in January) season transitioning to Spring (blue to green, in February). The “blue to green” gradient effect is based on the Five Elements principles, where Spring (Li Chun, the “start of spring” – known to Feng Shui and Chinese Almanac users) starts around the 3-5 February of the year. What this implies is that a person born in January tends to be influenced in some way, by the seasonal month of Water element (blue, or numbers 2 and 7). In February – that’s what I’d termed it as a “transitioning month” between the seasons – a person born in February might also have extra influence of the Water (numbers 2 and 7) and Wood (numbers 4 and 9) elements. Now, whether a person born in February month has more Water or Wood element, or both, could depend partly on which day of February they were born.

Based on what I’ve described earlier, this means the four transitioning months are in February, May, August, and November. In summary, a person born on any of the four seasonal transition months might have some influence from the preceding or current element as well. This means a person born during the month of:

  • May – influences from the Wood or Fire, or both elements.
  • August – influences from the Fire or Metal, or both elements.
  • November – influences from the Metal or Water, or both elements.

I’ve also shared with previous FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students on a reason why we could include extra element during these transitioning months. That is, whenever we need to focus on the seasonal and elemental influence on the personalities, characters, and behaviours for profiling.
I’d encourage you to read the Yahoo article as well, if you haven’t already done so, as the birth month does not only influence your personality, but your general health and body organs (Qi energies and deficiencies) as well. It would provide basic information on the probable influences on the personalities of yourself, friends, colleagues, or any case study subjects you are profiling.

Since I’ve shared some information on the “Personal Month Pillars” table chart, I might as well share more insights on its usefulness. There are upper and bottom rows in each month pillar, with different element’s colours and its associated numbers. These are to demarcate the element and number influences in the specific month pillar, based on their Universal and Personal Months vibrations. I’ve extensively relied on the FEON+ software to plot charts instantly, and described how to use it to interpret a chart. It’s a handy productivity tool to rely on while explaining case study examples, including questions asked by students in class.

Now that you have learned extra information on the birth month and seasonal influences, I’d encourage you to consider including them in your next case study profiling exercise. You’d also noticed there could be two persons born at different month but on the same year having identical charts, i.e., the individual numbers in I to V locations are the same on both charts. You could factor the extra information and adopt the full 5W1H (What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How) method to identify the unique characteristics of two persons born on different months but with identical charts.

I hope you have learned one more insightful profiling lesson today.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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