EON Bits on Giver-Taker number

While number patterns could be useful at times, it does not allow the students to understand the fundamentals and underlying reasons behind its association with certain traits. For example, I’ve students who completed the UCMHP or LifeQuest course earlier, before attending my FEN (Five Elements Numerology) class.  They learned about karma/karmic numbers and few others, from their previous trainers. I found out that they didn’t realise that each single number could manifest different characteristics, when mixed with one or more numbers. The trouble with many of these external trainers is, they are focusing just on one aspect of a person’s likely behaviour, and decided to use that as a sure-fire way to impress others, and their students.

Let me share my views on the “giver taker number” that someone searched recently. First, what’s a giver-taker number? Frankly, I don’t know if there is just one number pattern we can associate with a giver-taker characteristic. However, I do know a few sets of number series, when combined or linked together, could contribute to a giver-taker tendency. Next, we need to recognise what is a giver, and what is a taker?

According to this article “Are You a Giver or a Taker?” on the Psychology Today site, psychologist Adam Grant was mentioned to “divides the working world into three groups of people: Givers, Takers, and Matchers. Givers seek out ways to be helpful and give to others. Matchers play “tit for tat”—they reciprocate and expect reciprocity. Takers focus on getting as much as possible from others.

Besides the giver and taker, we immediately have an in-between matcher, so it seems. And that’s normal for many people, especially these days when there are far too many online charity scams and fake news. Hmm… that reminded me of the glass half-full or half-empty debate, where the desire and thirst to achieve an outcome, are not the same; and in this aspect, whether you are more of a giver or a taker. Or both, and like an in-between matcher.

I’ve shared with FEN students about the self-beneficial and self-sacrifice traits that we can associate to the 8-7-6 (or 7-8-6) patterns. And I have cited them in some of my earlier articles posted on this site. Then it seems like the 8-7-6 and 7-8-6 can also create a giver-and-taker behaviour, depending on situations, and other numbers present in the person’s birth and periodic charts. Take the case of 8-7-6 where, in the extended Elements of Numbers (EON) method, we could interpret that as [Control– Supporters – Money]. This entails, in theory, a person with the 8-7-6 pattern, especially in locations M-N-O, could have the mindset of a self-beneficial trait. They control and manage their funds, and hesitate over countless times before making a decision to “release” the money to help others. We could also interpret the 7-8-6 pattern as [Supporters – Manage – Money]. In one way, it could create the self-sacrificing trait – while because of others, the person has to manage their finances well, before “releasing” the money to others.

While I’ve described “money” as one of the eventual outcome for both 8-7-6 and 7-8-6 patterns, it does not necessarily be financial-related or for reward-incentive reasons. From extended EON/FEN method, it can be related to any other non-materialistic reasons that the person needs, including the giving or taking for the sake of their career, family, to complete a project, and so on. It could be tangible and intangible, even when the person is more of a giver, than a taker. Or vice-versa too.

Here’s an analogy – think of many Politicians and Resident’s Committee members who gave much of their time “caring” and “servicing” their community members. Many of them exercised it to enjoy the benefits, actually, and usually with a personal agenda. Many of these people who outwardly took self-sacrificing actions to help others, are inwardly, more of a self-beneficial person. Sure, there are few politicians and volunteers who are earnest about giving more, without expecting anything in return. These people are more givers than takers.

From an NSQ Profiling method, we could also associate people with 8-7-6 and 7-8-6 patterns as someone who are shrewd and think their ways through to ensure they could carry out their task and then enjoy the success they desired. All they need to do is to prompt and inspire their supporters further, and ride on the tide towards their targets.

Earlier on, I mentioned there are a few number patterns that I could connect with the giver-taker traits. There’re plentiful, in reality. Take the case of 9-6-6 and 6-9-6 patterns. While we could associate the 9-6-6 pattern as a “Midas touch” number, it’s not entirely true and altogether depends on the characteristic and behaviours of the person. They could also act like both a giver-taker person. Oftentimes, material benefit is the motivating factor. Even the 2-7-9 and 7-2-9 patterns, or the 1-2-3 and 2-3-1 patterns – a person with these patterns, could manifest the giver-taker behaviour or mindsets as well.

Why would you chase after number patterns and naively assumed certain behaviours, like giver and takers, can alone be associated with one set of number patterns? Why must some trainers and their students always assume 2-7-9 (or 7-2-9) is a “Mistress” number? And a 5-7-3 (or 7-5-3) is a “bankruptcy” or “lawsuit” number; 8-4-3 (or 4-8-3) is a “divorcee” number; or a 5-4-9 (or 4-5-9) is a “Karma” number.

C’mon, be realistic and practical – open your eyes wide, and observe. Even a person with 9-6-6 or 1-2-3 can go bankrupt; a person with 5-4-9 or 4-4-4 can be a visionary and successful, and a wonderful philanthropist as well. What you have learnt from these external trainers, is simply a small superficial part, like learning the ABCs in nursery classes.

Set aside what your trainer might have shared with you on number patterns, and it’s absurd and absolute associations to certain traits. Instead, unlearn, and relearn the practical view of human profiling, and its applications, including preventive measures. Like I’ve consistently shared and told my FEN students, there’re always two faces of a coin, and there’s always a Yin-and-Yang outcome depending upon the decision, behaviour, feelings, and actions of the individual. While using the “fear-tactics” approach might create the unsettling feelings and worries, and compelled you to want to know more – like what some UCMHP, PON, and LifeQuest trainers do – you’re only learning subtle layers of the worst extreme, and just one negative aspect of a person’s behaviours.

So, you noticed you’ve the above-mentioned patterns in your birth and periodic charts, and worried you might eventually end up being a bankruptcy, a divorcee, or a mistress or toy boy to a married individual. Scary, isn’t it?  The point is, what are you going to do today once you found out  you have such traits? Regrettably, and sadly in some cases, asking you to pick up a religion, take up meditation, or participate in charitable deeds – might be time-consuming and not practical. Worst, some trainers don’t even give proper advices, and instead, gave the impressions that you should give up hope and leave your life to fate, and follow blindly the destiny’s path you’ve learned in class. Conversely, as some trainers did – pay more, and you MIGHT get the solutions.

The choice is yoursto learn about number patterns elsewhere, or to learn how you can live a better life while you feel the fear, take precautions, experience the success, and enjoy a happier lifestyle you deserved.

To give, or to take… you make the decision. Happy reflecting!

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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