NSQ on Business Relationships

After posting my earlier article “EON on Business Relationships,” I thought it was great to introduce and share some insights on using the other complementary profiling method – the NSQ system – to analyse the behavioural relationships of potential business partnerships.

While there might be some similarities in identifying the tendency signs from the Elements of Numbers (EON) and NSQ methods, there are additional clues that we could quickly identify from NSQ charts than the EON charts. That’s primarily because of the closely-knitted way that I’ve formulated to enable it to be more connected with both methods, and yet, as a complementary method to extend your profiling horizons.

One compelling reason to share some insights on NSQ is because I’ve updated and enhanced my NSQ training slides and notes, and will be conducting the first NSQ class on 22nd September 2018 (Saturday). Although I’d actually conducted two classes some years back with a business partner, I’ve decided to reset the “class counter” now that I’m conducting the class on my own.

When Andy, Ben, and Charlie (the ABC team) joined hands and acted as business partners, what could be the potential relationships between them?

That’s the key question most people would ask when it comes to business partnerships. Oh, one more thing – we should not analyse the compatibility of a Companion-Relationship (like boyfriend-girlfriend, or for marriage) or a family-member relationship, in the same way as we do for business partnership-type of relationship. After all, very few business partnerships lasted forever, or had lifelong foresights. Even if they planned for longer-termed partnerships, the driving forces exhibited from each partner – their loyalty and commitments – would vary after some years. The positive and energetic “hands-on” vibes is usually different some years later, as compared to when they first started out together.

3 6 9999
2 555
1111111 777

Let me share some observations at their partnerships by analysing their combined NSQ Relationship Chart. Certainly, the signs of “planning” what their common goals and missions are, remained strong. From the NSQ theory, it involves “people who like to plan ahead; they give a love of order, and combines thought, intuition and self-expression.” Naturally, it’s important for business partners to share a common goal, dedication, and commitment. Otherwise, it could become a lope-sided relationship where one partner is fully-committed while another is not, or treating it as “play school” to pass the time. Over time, the unequaled commitments could break the business apart even though there are healthy and sustainable profits present.

As shared by FEN students in the earlier article (click this link if you need to read the article now), there isn’t any action to carry out the plan. From NSQ perspective, this represents the willpower to bring an action to the plans. Unfortunately for the ABC team, the tendency signs are suggesting no one truthfully “wants to start the engine and be the driver or chauffeur.” Each person prefers to be the passenger or “back-seat” driver, giving instructions rather than involving personally on ‘hands-on‘ mode. In NSQ principles, the “Arrow of Emotionality” represents “people who are Understanding, sensitive, empathetic, emotionally secure, feelings, and compassionate.” We could identify this sign as a natural emotional balance and a depth of spiritual understanding, of a person or in a relationship between the ABC partners. Nonetheless, the “Arrow of Emotionality” in their NSQ chart is weak and unsustainable. This implies, at the beginning, there could be full, committal understanding among them. Over time, while they faced the business challenges and opportunities, the resilience, passion, and perseverance could not remain strong – the possibility of a lack of interest in the partnership after a while. And the tendency signs are suggesting the potential business breakup could likely be due to financial-related operations’ mismanagement.

There are overly strong signs of self-egoistical and intellectual mindsets, self-elitism and pride among the ABC partners. An analogy here – this reflected the earlier observations of each person wanting to be the “back-seat driver” rather than the “hands-on” driver to execute the company’s visions. Unless the ABC team could delegate job roles and execute functions amicably and cohesively as a team, the company “vehicle” would not be moving towards their target destination any time soon since no partner is willing to start the engine and drive forward.

The resolution is to be more humble, less stubborn, and practice compassion, trust, and empathy towards each partner; and to recognise each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They need to lower the expectations and goals, during their first three-year venture together. And most importantly, to stop the NATO-like action of “no action, talk only” and start taking action, and act cohesively and responsibly.

What I’ve shared so far, briefly introduces some of the application methods of the NSQ principles. I’ve not covered the “Behavioural Impulse” and “Behavioural Intelligence” topics, which are formulated by me. In any case, I’ll share these extended NSQ methods in class. Together with an Excel worksheet, this means NSQ students could quickly plot the birth chart, and the characteristics and behavioural charts would be displayed automatically.

Happy profiling…

Regards, Ron WZ Sun


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