In 2006, I developed the KW-IChing software for Palm PDA devices. It was intended as an oracle or divination tool for users familiar with the WenWang YiJing system.

I also developed and released the BaziGua software in the same year, concentrating on the BaZi ShenGua system. This method is unique, as while it’s based on the BaZi theory, its functionality as an oracle or divination tool, is different. You can plot a chart and maximise its MINUTES pillar which I subsequently promoted it as a “5th Pillar” in BaZi and other Feng Shui software that I’ve developed. The software and the 5th pillar are heavily adopted by Feng Shui Grand Masters and Masters to determine the time period to perform FS cures. Instead of a 2-hour time frame using traditional FS method, these professional practitioners can now apply a 10-minute time frame to see the good and auspicious time, and maximise the positive energies during that 10-minute period. Like what one FS Master once told me, the 5th Pillar energies are more “potent(effective, optimised energies) than the 4th pillar which was based on a 2-hour period. This is especially applicable in South-East Asia where within a 2-hour period, we could experience hot, rain, thunderstorm, and windy weather. I conducted a few BaziShenGua workshops too.

Back to present times in 2018. Phat is from Thailand and had attended numerology courses from other trainers and masters. She resolved to attend my 1st FEN WORKSHOP class held last year, to improve her knowledge and profiling skill sets. Phat provides professional profiling and oracle services to her clients in Thailand, and her card-reading appointment is booked until mid-November. I was excited when Phat messaged me a few months ago, about her new creation – EN CARDS (Elements & Numbers Cards). I had wanted to create a Tarot-like or Oracle Card set using the Elements of Numbers (EON) method as the key references for readings. But decided to put on hold, due to other priorities and my research to enhance the EON methods and FEN (Five Elements Numerology) techniques. I told Phat that she was “one step ahead” of me this time, by introducing her EN CARDS; and she should be given credits and awareness to the FEN COMMUNITY members as well.

Phat was hesitant as her EN CARDS were published for Thailand consumers, which was why the accompanying manual was in Thai language [Update: a simplified English-translated version of the manual is now available in PDF]. A few weeks ago, I decided to share the awareness and availability of Phat’s EN CARDS to the FEN students. Within days, the excitement of using the EON/FEN theories for oracle became a “hit” for many FEN students. Instead of discussing FEN related case study examples and related techniques in the FEN COMMUNITY WhatsApp chat group, majority of the messages posted were on the utilisation of the EN CARDS for oracle and divination purposes.

I’ve created an EON ORACLE WhatsApp chat group for those who bought Phat’s EN CARD sets. Phat and I, together with Su (another FEN student who’s also from Thailand) then shares our interpretations and oracle findings by using the EON/FEN theories. There was a recent proposition for me to conduct an EON ORACLE workshop session, to enable users to learn the oracle and interpretation techniques properly by using the EN CARDS. Some FEN students who’ve missed the “free personal delivery offer” were disappointed they did not place a purchase order for the EN CARDS earlier. Nonetheless, an EON ORACLE workshop is in the works as Phat and I have been discussing how best we can provide proper oracle lessons to students on using the EN CARDS effectively.

If you’ve attended PON, UCMHP, LifeQuest, Visiber, or other PON-style numerology courses conducted by others trainers, or attended my earlier EON Workshop and/or recent FEN Workshop classes, you can add an oracle method to your profiling services, or pastimes.

Email me at SunTzu2796@gmail.com if you are keen to attend the EON ORACLE workshop, tentatively scheduled for 17 Nov 2018 (Sat)*. Course details will be provided once finalised.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun

* Updated (8 Oct 2018): The EON ORACLE course is postponed to early next year (2019) due to school holiday season when many parents are out of town and holidaying overseas.




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