On Meghan Markle: Pregnancy news

According to this Yahoo article, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expecting their first child next year, in Spring 2019.

In an article “On Meghan Markle and others” posted on 4 May 2018, I mentioned, “She also has to take charge of her health, eat healthily, and consume adequate water, especially if she plans to have a baby next year (2019).

I have shared the method to check on beneficial periods of having babies – be they on conception, the trimesters, or giving birth – to previous FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students who attended the FEN WORKSHOP classes. While many people are happy, especially Prince Harry, it is equally important for Meghan to continue to drink adequate water as there are tendency signs suggesting her EON chart is “dry.”

For a female person who contemplated having babies or giving birth, it is significant to receive the support of the Water element, including drinking adequate water, for smooth delivery. Otherwise, it might contribute to complications or in some cases, C-section (or caesarean) delivery.

Furthermore, we also link up the Wood element to the Spring season. Based on the Five Elements Cycles, there could be potential health issues or conditions might arise, for pregnant women who lacked the beneficial element (Water) in their charts.

If you have been wondering about finding the beneficial period for giving birth, or been asked by friends who knew you’ve attended numerology class conducted by other trainers, why not expand your knowledge with the extended EON methods, and FEN visualisation techniques at my coming 6th FEN WORKSHOP class on 27-28 October 2018.

Many of the FEN students who attended the earlier  FEN WORKSHOP classes had previously completed PON, UCMHP, LifeQuest, Visiber, and other PON-style courses; and yet found themselves lacking the confidence to apply profiling theories beyond identifying number patterns. They were glad after attending my FEN class, and regretted they had wasted the time and their hard-earned money attending courses elsewhere earlier. You might have felt likewise, especially when you’ve paid a high price to attend the said courses. Well, don’t worry unnecessarily as you’re not alone – that’s normal as you are not taught of the practical application and visualisation techniques. With our value-add and power-packed 2-day class, you’ll discover even more applicable techniques at a reasonable course fee. What’s more, you can communicate with me and other FEN students after class have ended through the FEN COMMUNITY WhatsApp chat group when you need profiling advice, share observations, learn to profile tips, and know more about other complementary profiling methods.

The date line for the normal registration fee is supposed to expire today (15th Oct 2018). As I have a few seats left, I decided to extend the dateline until this Thursday 18th October 2018. This way, you can garner feedback from your friends, course mates, or others who have attended my earlier FEN classes on their learning experience with me. Furthermore, the following 7th FEN class would be held sometime next year.

Register immediately and get to enjoy a fun and participative learning experience. And like what many FEN students had told me, attending my class is definitely unlike the learning experiences you had with other trainers.

I look forward to seeing you later this month at the 6th FEN WORKSHOP class…

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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