Captivating experience at 4th EON Workshop

The 4th EON WORKSHOP yesterday (14 Apr 2012) was special. We had fewer participants attending the session but that doesn’t mean I could share fewer techniques with them. Those present had a wonderful time.

I could “showcase” my new presentation slides (see sample screenshots below) which are more visual and… captivating. Of course, it still holds the key information to complement my talk. Some participants wanted the slides. Sorry, I could not provide the slides even though I did them personally as the information are sensitive and proprietary.

I started the session introducing the Five Elements, the elemental cycles, and its characteristics. Though it seemed like a “dry” topic, I’d to introduce them to the class to get them to understand and visually correlate the characteristics and key elemental traits. The participants then learned about the elemental structures and health aspects. With the information shared, they have the knowledge to identify career, resources, parents, kids, pets, spouse, and many more. I’m glad I could share these techniques with those who’re present. Everyone at the workshop session deserves to know more since they’ve taken the time to support me at the workshop, and I’m grateful and thankful for their presence.

The session got even more exciting when I introduced new techniques. I elaborated on the Rhythmic Cycles which I’d briefly mentioned at the 3rd workshop but not the first two workshop sessions. This time around, I did the slides to show the chronological events of Whitney Houston as case study. I explained how the periodic vibes could affect a person in the future by documenting past and current events. With this new technique, they could identify future tendency vibes that may happen to a person unless they (that person) could change their character, behavior, and attitude.

I’ve just read about the incident with Robin Gibb who’s in coma now according to this article. Let’s pray for Robin’s recovery.

[Note to 4th EON Workshop participants: Plot the Rhythmic Cycle of Robin and his twin brother Maurice who died of complications resulting from a twisted intestine in 2003. You can use the same Rhythmic Cycle as they’re twins.]

I’ve also introduced new elemental signs and patterns on bed-wetting, tinnitus or ear-ringing, besides the other extended methods to identify cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, spiritual sensory powers, childbirth, and many others including extreme vibes. As promised, I’d also shared my findings on the tendency signs on health conditions and death of the late Fong Fei Fei and Whitney Houston.

Those who supported me at the workshop sessions deserved a good treat. They’ve learned many new and extended techniques that would eventually provide them with the know-how to do life path profiling. Yes, that’s more than just personality and behavioural profiling that many PON/UCM students have learned.

Everyone had a wonderful time especially during the last few hours where we had interactive case studies. I’m glad I could explain my findings on their cases even though I was “mentally tired” after standing and sharing my findings the entire day.

By the way… if you are one of those who had attended my earlier three workshops, do make it a point (if time allow) to attend the 5th EON Workshop. It’s more structured and informative-packed than ever. I’ve set a new benchmark for my training at the 4th session, and I know you will enjoy and benefit more at the next workshop sessions.

If you are among those who’d registered but could not attend the session at last minute, that’s understandable as you have your own priorities. And to all others, I look forward to share the extended EON methods (including new discoveries) with you at the 5th EON Workshop.

If you’re new to EON, check out my book “Elements of Numbers: Fast and Easy Character Profiling”. The book introduces the fundamentals to get you started to know more about personality profiling. When you’re ready for life profiling, you can learn about the yearly influences, your past and present actions that may influence your future vibes, your health, career, and wealth status. I’m ready to share these extended methods with you at the next EON Workshop.

Life profiling includes the need to understand more on human behaviours, and how people interpret intentions and react to situations. Remember to develop an attitude of curiosity towards other people to build up your own profiling knowledge. Experience is unique to each person and they may see the same thing in different perspectives. When you change your perspective towards them, you could also change their perspectives in a better, happier, and healthier way.

Regards, Ron WZ Sun



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