Monthly Archive: April 2011

EON Feedback

I’d like to thank those who have supported my research works by buying my book. Your act of encouragement brings light and joy to me. It reinforced my views that there are many people...


Using EON to Analyse Dates

By now, many Singaporeans would know that May 7th 2011 is the Polling Day where we vote the party to represent our constituency and the government. Two weeks before the government announced the Polling...


More on my EON Workshop

I’m glad some of you have responded quickly to reserve your seats for my EON Workshop schedule announced recently. I’ve also received queries about the workshop and EON methods used. In almost every Metaphysics...


EON Workshop Starting in May 2011

Many of you have asked whether I do conduct workshops. Here’s the good news… I have scheduled my first workshop to start in May 2011. Register now to attend my first EON workshop. For...


Catherine Zeta-Jones treated for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder causes severe mood swings bouncing from one extreme to another.  One moment the person can behave as if they are suffering from depressed mood, and the next moment they...


Awakening the Cancerous Cells

I posted the article “Attack on the Cancerous Cell” on Thursday. I hope that can provide some clues on how you can use the Elements of Numbers (EON) method to look at health conditions....


Attack on the Cancerous Cell

According to this health report, more people in Northern Ireland have died of cancer last year. In other countries, there’re also an increasing number of cancer-related sickness and death. Cancer and heart diseases are...

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