Category: Oracle

On the “Numbers in Positive Light” (NIPL) Oracle

Good news, I’ve re-activated the buy link (click here) for the “Numbers in Positive Light” (NIPL) Oracle” Deck sets, as I’ve received the latest batch of stock. I’d it printed by an established overseas...


Using NIPL Oracle on PEC2020 Code

In my Numerological Predictive Observations 2020 (PNO2020) article posted on 1st January 2020, I’ve provided some info on the Positive Empowerment Code (PEC2020) for Year2020. You may view them as a yearly advice to...


NIPL Oracle reading

I had a fantastic time last Saturday on 6 July 2019, with some FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students at our first social gathering. It was initially intended for a get-together session somewhere around town...

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